Captain Carlos Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Captain Carlos

Captain Carlos Ginpri

Captain Carlos is the top sailor/captain in the Weltaken Navy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many of his kind Carlos is a product of experimentation. Part of the final lingering Vesperian projects to try and create super soldiers, the final attempts to overcome the free will bestowed on them by Selune. Unsuccessful he was released to the tribes of the Viger islands were he grew up and became part of the early trade convoys from the islands to the outside world. Due to his Aquatic abilities he fit in well and took to the work easily, being brought on at a very early age as a deck hand, he would travel from Celment to Weltako, even visiting Cassion at one point. He continued this life until he met Tal Fourspirit, a young noble, in Weltako. He instantly took a liking to the young noble and the 2 would get in many shenanigans for the short time his ship was ported. When Tal would ask to come with him on his journey home Carlos would assist in stowing him away when the ship departed, and convincing his crew members he was an orphaned dock hand when he was found as so they wouldn't immediately turn around and take him home. The crew enjoyed Tals company and decided he would be put to work to pay his lodging and food, and this would last most of there journey until a familiar belonging to a hired wizard would locate the ship and inform the Captain of Tals Nobility and the panic that his disappearance was causing, forcing them to turn around and bring him back. Carlos would decide to stay in Weltako with Tal, much to the dismay of his captain who was already sore about the waste of supplies, in the end Tals parents would restock the ship and Carlos would be placed into the family's Employ as a fisherman.  Although he would find this work boring he was contempt with it for a time
Date of Birth
4th of Weskal 1516
Circumstances of Birth
Viger islands
Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
176 lb
Aligned Organization

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