Weltako Organization in Kimaria | World Anvil
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The land of survivors

Weltako is the northern most country of Kimaria, being a vast desert and separated from the rest of the world by a mountain range, its is exceptionally hard to invade which is why it still has its independence, a strange place with strange customs it biggest attraction is the massive arenas that lie near center of the country


Weltako is ran by the Sultan who is advised by his court wizard, Military commander and various nobles from the 4 major cities


Weltaken culture is a muddled mess mostly taking after the nearby alliance Country, but some places show sign of another religion found only in Weltako itself but rumors like these are often stamped out by the Faerunian church's and the Alliance representatives tied to them, the culture of the general public though is highly acceptive of outsiders and Races with bad reps when compared to either of its neighbors but this has also led to an highly increased response to crime having equally harsh punishment for both petty thievery and murder.

Public Agenda

Weltako was founded by slaves escaped From the empire and continues to take in liberated slaves, They see all mortals as equal as long as they follow rules and listen to reason.


Weltaken history is muddled in legend and rumor, starting with the great slave escape from the Imperials who trekked thru the northern mountain range in search of a jungle that they never found, although they were able to find the undiscovered desert on the other side, while the survival of the surviving slaves was not easy but they managed to survive long enough to arrive at the ocean shores and make settlements along the shore to gather food and eventually invent a new way of farming, staying under the radar long enough to survive Imperial invasion and at the end of the third Imperial/alliance war was included in the treaty against imperial invasion, although they paid a great price for this freedom, after this the Expanding population of Weltako needed a sustainable economy, having an abundance of monstrosity in the desert they began to capture them and pitting them in fights against warriors of the nation, building up an entire city around the money and crowds the fights drew in becoming not only an essential part of its economy but it criminal justice system sentencing guilty prisoners to fight as well, seen as problematic by some as prisoners are put in regardless of severity of crime. Times were peaceful for a time till the first Naga crisis, were many undead Naga's destroyed villages and attacked trade convoys, which brought the 4th sultan to seek a sacred scimitar to ward off the creatures, eventually driving them back to their source a inaccessible part of the desert known as the Firestorm dunes. Not being able to enter the area due to intense heat it was decided that two forts would be established and an elite guard stationed to watch over the area for anymore entering the area All was quite for many years after this until the Naga's reappeared somehow bypassing the Firestorm forts, eventually being revealed to be an Imperial plot to weaken the Weltaken forces for the subsequent invasion which has been hindered by a group of hero's.

Demography and Population

The population of Weltako varies greatly due to their acceptance of all peoples but a few that stand out are humans, drow, goblins, half-orcs, and halflings


Weltako is the forth largest country controlling all of the desert past the northern mountains and the ocean around themselves although they rarely travel to far into the northern sea due to a threat from an unknown island nation


The Weltaken military is far from the largest but they are a resilient force living in the desert and many soldiers having taken part in one or two arena events in their life time, but lack a large mage force having the smallest amount of magical conscripts of the major nations. Some notable platoons in the Weltaken forces are the Firestorm guard (who watch the hottest part of the desert on watch for undead naga's) the Weltaken Navy is one of the best in the world (commanded by the noble Tal Fourspirit and Captained by Ex-alliance marine Captain Carlos) and The Executioners (an elite task force sent to deal with Imperial Operations and have been allocated a sizeable force and sums of money to do so and have done so with extreme prejudice and efficiency).

Technological Level

Weltako lacks any Mages on the level of top alliance and Imperial Mages, although they have purchased enough magical wards from the Alliance to stop them from being destroyed by higher magics, but what they lack in magical and military sciences they make up for in agriculture and travel technology having to overcome the harsh environment of the desert.


Weltaken religion is faerunian as the other major countries although it was not always so, and recent discovery's have led to a recent resurgence of an old pantheon known as as the Mulhorandi pantheon causing a resurgence of life in the region, as well as causing imperials to lose control over their undead forces as the deities Osiris resurrects along side Anhur, Hathor and Isis, who look for opportunity to resurrect Horus-Re, news of the newly resurrected deities hasn't reached alliance ears yet but they have already openly objected to the worship of these deities and even delayed response to the recent crisis due to it worry spreads that when news reaches them they'll refuse assistance all together leaving Weltako open to a full Imperial assault, while at the same time many start to embrace the deities of their ancestors in hopes that they can save them from further crisis. meanwhile while all this develops rumors have spread across the alliance front line near the Weltaken border have seen a black cat who sits near patrols staring till approached before letting out a loud hiss that has been said to have leaving anyone in earshot feeling saddened and guilty as if they had had abandoned a friend, driving some who had lost friends in battle to madness some whispering of Sharess returning to Weltako to reassume her duty at Anhurs side whilst taking out her anger on the alliance for abandoning her people.

Foreign Relations

Weltako maintains a shaky balance with both the alliance and Empire as its only neighbors to the south trying to maintain its relationship with the alliance to prevent being overtaken by Imperials although the situation has deteriorated to war and the alliance has refused help due to a uncovering of old secrets and revival of an old religion, although all is not bleak as they have found friends in the newly founded Euphorian forces who have proven eager and efficient at dealing with imperials

Agriculture & Industry

Weltako lack much in the way of farmland and relies on fishing for most of its meat, but the Weltakens have invented a new way of farming food involving growing on the sea using tree roots and dirt from the alliance placed on top of it. The desert has an abundance of caves that provide ores and the desert storms leave behind potent air gems for those with a good eye that are sold. Two cities bring in the majority of Weltakens money, the market city and Colosseum city although the market has been captured by imperials and is being guarded by a adult blue dragon, and the colosseum city has been set as the staging point as the final push to force imperials out of Weltako so the Weltaken economy has begone to become strained

Trade & Transport

Most trade in and out of Weltako travel via ship as the mountains are extremely treacherous, Weltako trades mostly with alliance sources but occasionally barters with dwarven merchants, they have also recently opened up a secret weapons deal with Vesperia


Weltako has little in the way of public education those not fortunate enough to be born in the capital wont go to school and the schools in the capital only provide basic courses and a few labor degrees, although schooling in combat is easily found in the colosseum city were many make here fortune and legend.


The capital acts as a central hub for all of Weltako making an easy place to gather supplies and send them out to he rest of Weltako. the Colosseum acts as the main source of economy and and doubles as a grand fortress, containing an ancient minotaur's maze its triples as a extremely secure prison being one of the most important locations in Weltako the largest gathering of forces in the country is gathered here at all times. the second most important economic place is the Market city which holds all the biggest and most important business's, requiring many permits in order to build a stall here and sell wares. Ricklon lies at main path out of the mountains greeting travelers who braved the journey and watching for invading forces from the south. Rito is located north of the capital acts as a military station between the capital and the port city of Ash which is were most of the trade in and out of Weltako takes place. On the eastern coast lies the fort Tygres keep which is were the Weltaken navy is often stationed when not active, watching for any Invading imperial ships. In the west are the two firestorm forts that watch for creatures that would try and leave the hellscape and enter Weltako to wreak havoc.

Stand as the mountains against tyranny

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
the barren land
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Major Exports
Mercenary's, wind crystals, fish
Major Imports
wood, dirt, meat, alcohol, magic items
Legislative Body
Weltaken crown council
Judicial Body
The peoples jury
Executive Body
The overseers
Controlled Territories

defensive pact

The Euphorians have arrived to assist against the Imperial invasion and form stronger relations in order to form a new pact free of alliance dependence

defensive pact

Weltako has put a strain on relationships by revealing long buried secrets and the alliance has delayed its response to the current crisis

trade agreement

Weltako rarely trades with the dwarves due to distance but have good standing with the Dwarves

Trade agreement

Vesperia has secretly sold weapons to Weltako and violated the Imperial agreement but evidence from  Euphoria shows this isn't the first time


An Imperial invasion has commenced

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