Commander General Yalgor Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Commander General Yalgor

Commander General Yalgor Heberan (a.k.a. Minotaur of the Maze)

the head general in charge of the Weltaken military

Mental characteristics

Personal history

born and raised in Weltako, the general began his life in the Colosseum city were he grew into a strong warrior and gained large amount fame fighting in the arenas, eventually rising to the top of the ranks by the age of 23 Yalgor cemented himself in Weltaken legend as the "Minotaur of the Maze", but despite the endless gold and drinks of being a arena champion, Yalgor began to grow bored of the arena and sought to find greater challenges, which he would find in joining the military. Yalgor swiftly rose in the ranks due to his skill and reputation and soon found himself in charge of a platoon, which he would use to mount expeditions into the mountains in the south, in order to find greater and stronger challenges for the Minotaur. eventually though his responsibility would become to great for him to continue these treks into the unknown and before he passed away, Sultan Gerald Ferraday, placed Yalgor into the position of Commander General and has remained in this position ever since, now serving Gerald's son, Devon, the Commander General currently works tirelessly to bring the Imperial invasion of Weltako to an end (and maybe spread his legend even further).




lacks any form of proper education, Yalgor is only knowledgeable in military tactics and combat.


champion of the arena until later taking on a military career and rising to Commander General

Accomplishments & Achievements

Previous champion of the monster and warrior arenas, self proclaimed discoverer of a jungle from urban myth, and the current commander of the Waltaken Military

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to convince his peers of the existence of a jungle from urban myth and once lost a fight to a orc war chief that nearly cost him his life (whom he later returned and killed)

Intellectual Characteristics

only knowledgeable when it comes to military, and not particularly persuasive

Morality & Philosophy

Yalgor believes in the strength of his people and believes they can survive just about any disaster that befalls them. he thinks that Weltako hyas been pushed around for to long and wishes to see it rise to were it belongs in its world standing
Current Status
military campaign
Currently Held Titles
Colosseum city
Current Residence
sultans castle
dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
230 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
common, dwarven, primordial

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