Lady Oona Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Lady Oona

Queen of Euphoria Oona Wesley (a.k.a. Lady Oona)

A close companion of Pride and the queen of Euphoria

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lady Oonas origin is a mystery even to her close Friends, many suspect like Pride she was born an Imperial, but as Pride says soon all Imperial will be Euphorian, she assisted Pride in the war against the Thieves Guild and assisted in the subsequent political uprising. Even winning the popular vote to become the new leader in Prides absence, many see her as an Arrogant and under experienced leader, but the Euphorians have a great deal of faith in their new heroes and many fear and respect the power wielded by lady Oona who tamed the oceans around Euphoria by impressing the Goddess Umberlee, a generally aggressive and angry deity, and obtaining a number of artifacts from the deity. Many respect her on that merit alone.




Little is known about the education of Lady Oona, nobody seems to be able to recognize her from any of the universities, but she has a number of degrees and the knowledge to back it up and that seems to be enough for her people


Before she was a Queen Lady Oona was a Lieutenant for the Harper's, pre-Euphoria, and fought beside Pride, Reshi and Zaboomafoo to take down the thieves guild and establish new government in Celment

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lady Oona Feats are numerous but her top one are the toppling of the Thieves Guild, the defeat of Reshis Father, winning the respect of Umberlee and establishing the Euphorian kingdom.

Failures & Embarrassments

while nobody is free of failure these things have been carefully covered up and forgotten

Intellectual Characteristics

of the adventurers who founded Euphoria Oona was the smartest by far having been born with an strong affinity for magic she was free to study other topics of interest without losing much in arcane knowledge, this is why she was left in charge being trusted to make  difficult decision while the others were more suited to combat and guerrilla warfare

Morality & Philosophy

Lady Oona is not known for being the most moral person of the Euphorian founders but she is extremely passionate about persuing her research and has started advancing Euphorian science the best she can although she is no Vesperian
Chaotic good
Current Status
Ruling Euphoria
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Euphorian Castle
light blue
123 lb.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
common, primordial, elvish, dwarvish

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