Euphoria Organization in Kimaria | World Anvil
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The Land of dreams

The newest country to enter the world stage replacing the smallest farmer country of Celment, a new queen has been elected under the promise that they would bring in an age for Euphoria free of reliance on the alliance and stand strong against Imperial tyranny


+Euphoria is officially led by their queen Lady Oona of berk, but unofficially led by Pride Beltro, under them is a council of city mayors and the leader of the Harpers (euphoria's special forces) Darius Lefbridge.


Euphorian culture while still fairly new teaches people to live free and to help fellow people, it teaches people to freely indulge in the seven deadly sins while maintaining control over themselves, balance is essential in all things to live happily and successfully.

Public Agenda

The Euphorian government has promised its people that it will free them from the burdens of alliance dependence and Imperial threats, and to spread the ideals of freedom of thought, religion, and lifestyle as well as equality for all races


Being a fairly new country it has little history, the current government rose to power thru buying their way into politics and then winning the hearts of the people, helping defend them from a gang war within the thieves guild and preventing multiple tragedy's at the hands of a local cult dedicated to an old dead god, the Leader of the group pride gave the crown over to Lady Oona so he could go and join a fight in the far north country of Weltako

Demography and Population

the population of Euphoria is largely human but other races freely travel the land as well


Euphoria is the smallest country on the main land mass of Kimaria, it is mostly covered in forest and farm land but also has a great ravine with lots of minerals.


The Euphorian military is small but training over the recent has grown exponentially as the military prepared to go up against much stronger and better equipped foes. the most notable being the Harpers who act as spies and special forces for Euphoria

Technological Level

Euphoria technology remains at the same level as its neighbors although the don't stand out in any exemplary way, having no major scientific discovery's or leading research areas they appear to be scraping by to keep up

Foreign Relations

Euphoria's public relations are brittle many not trusting the new government and there seemingly benevolent goals, although they have built a strong pact with the Weltakens who they have assisted in warding off an Imperial invasion. this has led to Imperials considering an invasion of Euphoria as well, Euphoria already openly condemning the Empire and cutting off all trade back and forth with them. The alliance has not opened up talks with the Euphorians calling them to brazen and saying that they are attempting to start another great war, to which the Euphorians have said the Imperials have already started themselves and the alliance should be ashamed of putting political goals before the needs of their ally's. The dwarven mountains continue to maintain good trade with relations despite all of this as Euphorian gold is just as good as anybody else's.

Agriculture & Industry

Euphorians consist of mostly farmers, and thus they have an abundance of food as well as having a sizable fishing industry the country does well enough with what it has to survive and some smart investment has boosted the economy recently

Trade & Transport

Euphoria relies on its trading from the Dwarves to get materials for building defenses and weapons, using standard trade routes and a few ships to trade with some willing alliance provinces trade in Euphoria is slow going but effective.


Education in Euphoria is lacking although plans to build an institute in the capital have been put in motion, until then most educated people come from out of country


Turgan hide is the capital of Euphoria were all trade travels in and out. The main road east leads to imperial territory, converted into a training grounds and a fortress named Xerma built since trade to the Empire was stop, the western road leads to alliance borders, were most trade now flows, also in the east lies the great ravine were many valuable minerals lie, to the east is the volcanic Mount Jerma were a group of Dwarves have been contracted by a local company to mine the valuable gems and Fire gems found within, in the south lies the port town of Fergus were most of the countries fish and exports come from from.

Freedom for freedoms sake

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Country of indulgence
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Crops, Meat, and volcanic ores
Major Imports
Ores, Weapons, Magic items, Luxury goods.
Legislative Body
Euphoria's dogma
Judicial Body
Euphorian court
Executive Body
hammers of Euphoria
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

defensive pact

The Euphorians have arrived to assist against the Imperial invasion and form stronger relations in order to form a new pact free of alliance dependence

non-aggression pact

The Euphorians sending troops to assist Weltako before the alliance has made them appear less reliable and has slightly deteriated their already strained relationship from the changing of power within Euphoria

trade agreement

Euphoria is still building trust with the dwarves

trade agreement

Euphoria has made attempt to contact and assist the residents of the Viger islands, which has raised alarm in Vesperia and have publicly denounced euphoria equating these actions to an pseudo invasion


The Euphorians have arrived to assist against the Imperial invasion of Weltako and have made a show of there victories over them pushing Imperials to consider opening war on 2 fronts

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