Pride Beltro Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Pride Beltro

Pride Beltro

mastermind bard behind Euphoria and temporary leader of the Harpers

Mental characteristics

Personal history

a tiefling hailing from the imperial capital Pride grew up a poor child, having been orphaned at 3 he was raised by his master, Venderman, who taught him how t survive on the streets and play music as a bard to make money, dissatisfied with this life pride lived his life in an anger. one day his master was taken an executed for crimes unknown to Pride, he stole a map of his home city with detailed schematics of tunnels and hidden paths and struck out to the country of Celment a poor farming country were he planned to become a sell sword, meeting a few very good friends Zaboomafo, Reshi and lady Oona they all became much more starting a bloody civil war in the thieves guild led by Reshi's father that would end with them infiltrating the political ranks of Celment thru the guild and nearly killing Reshi's father the guild was divided and later inducted in what would become Euphoria's special forces as the country was renamed after Lady Oona lead a political campaign to become the first queen of Euphoria on the promise that they would stop Imperials from pushing the country around and take military action if necessary, Pride would then leave with a large military force to the country of Weltako on a mission of diplomacy




Pride level of education is very minimal having learned mostly from his master on the streets


Pride worked as a bounty hunter for most of his life up until recently when he put himself in charge of the seven sin initiative

Accomplishments & Achievements

Prides accomplishments include the toppling of the thieves guild and subsequent establishment of Euphoria which he runs from the background, more recently hes had great success in his campaign against the Imperials in Weltako to the point of embarrassment to Imperial nobility involved.

Failures & Embarrassments

Pride often blames himself for the death of his master at an Imperial execution, beyond that he has few but many consider his lack of control over his blatant sadism to be an embarrassment to more civilized Euphorian nobility

Intellectual Characteristics

despite his lack of education Pride shows a large understanding of military strategy and warfare, as well as a deep understanding of how the masses think which he has used to his advantage many times.

Morality & Philosophy

Pride makes no effort to cover up his beliefs, going as far as criticizing deities and other powerful entities many would simply avoid. Pride believes in freedom of thought above all else, he believes people should be left to decide what they choose to believe and want, as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's freedoms they should be allowed to live freely, any who would stand between him and achieving this will suffer greatly, Pride has no problem flaying the skin from a persons body while they still live if they interfere or harm his people.
chaotic good
Current Status
on a diplomacy mission in Weltako
Current Residence
magic mansion
long sleek black
norse, sif
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

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