Sultan of the Holy Desert Rank/Title in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Sultan of the Holy Desert

the sultan rules over the desert country of Weltako and strives to keep the country free from outer powers


a member of the royal bloodline connected to the original Sultan who liberated the Weltakens


the crowning takes place during the switching of the guard festival held when the changing of crowns happens


rule over Weltako and protect its people from would be tyrants and monsters

Accoutrements & Equipment

Scimitar of the Desert

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

death or diminished mental health


Ever since the slaves escaped to Weltako the Sultan has played an important role in protecting the people from crisis, first during the escape of the slaves, to the retrieving of the Scimitar of the desert and pushing back the Naga's during the first crisis. Even in the current crisis the Sultan is often found on the front lines leading the charge against tyranny

Cultural Significance

To the people of Weltako have a great deal of love for their Sultan, representing not only the Freedom of its people but a shining symbol against tyranny, and the current Sultan, Devon, is no exception to this.

Notable Holders

Devon Ferraday
Nobility, Hereditary
the sultan role was created by the son of the hero who lead the free slave thru the mountains to the Desert
Form of Address
his greatness
Alternative Naming
the sultan
Equates to
Source of Authority
the people of weltako
Current Holders
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