Tal Fourspirit Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Tal Fourspirit

Tal Fourspirit

Tal is the commander of the Weltaken Navy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tal was born into a noble family and spent most of his childhood growing up on the coast, and learning military strategy from his elder. growing up on the coast made for an easy going life. Tal mostly enjoyed these years but began to grow bored of his quiet life near the end of his teens, leading him to sneak off to explore ships and speak with merchants from other lands, and meet with Carlos Ginpri, a foreign ship hand who Tal took a liking to. From then on Tal and Carlos became best friends and got into many high jinx together. Eventually the time for Carlos ship to return home with a fresh load of cargo to sell. Tal not wanting to separate from his friend and pining to see the world decided to stow away on the ship, causing a small diplomatic incident when Tal's parents flew into a panic looking for him after he didn't show up for his classes. Unfortunately for them by this point Tal several hundred miles from shore and had begun reveling with the crew who discovered him, Just far enough out to not be able to turn back (not aware of his nobility at that time) and taking him for an runaway looking for adventure. Tal was put to work on the ship in exchange for his cabin and food and traveled a great deal away from Weltako before a familiar from a wizard hired by his family located him and asked the captain to bring him back. wanting to avoid the consequences of being labeled kidnappers they begrudgingly took him back and prompting Carlos to decide to stay in Weltako with him. Years later when Tal was selected to become the Commander of the Weltaken Navy he would place Carlos in charge of the "Sandstorm" (the largest ship in the Navy) and continue his career as primarily a strategist. since Carlos and Tal have had little time to see each other since but they make apoint to party whenever they do


Educated by the leading strategists and swordsman in Weltako


Commander of the Navy

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tal is most known for bringing reinforcements during the siege of Ricklon at the start of the war with the Empire which is largely attributed to the victory

Failures & Embarrassments

stowing away on a ship causing a small panic from the nobility

Morality & Philosophy

Tal is a free spirit often debating the moral traditions of his people in comparison to the rest of the known world, but stays fiercely loyal to his kingdom and its people especially to those under his command and the Sultan Devon
Current Status
heading to the capital
Date of Birth
21st of Yurgontide, 1520
dark green
short, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
187 lb
Aligned Organization

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