The city of Necrovik is home to ~5 million Teifling inhabitants. The city was founded just under 2000 years ago, when Vorston first retreated to Hel. Necrovik's architecture is very similar to its sister city, Astu Sacrificium. The city's residents have mixed views about their situation, as the realm outside their city is too hostile to support other settlements. Some Tieflings believe that Vorston and the Demon Lords are benevolent rulers who have their best interest at heart, while others see them as tyrants who are holding them hostage from the rest of the Astralverse. The Tieflings are separated into four subtypes, each of whom originate from one of the four Lords. These subtypes are Wrath, Desire, Ego, and Pestilence and their skin colors are Red, Pink, Green, and Purple respectively, although their skin shade varies. Tieflings are carnivores and eat the meat of lesser demons such as Imps or Barbed Devils.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under