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BSG | Ashmedean Religion

The Ashmedeans worship Kaldovaga, the Machine God, the Negligent One, the Worldsmith, who built the world from spare parts lying around his workshop, then put it on a high shelf and forgot about it.
  They believe that the world is slowly falling apart, and Kaldovaga will only repair it if humanity worships him in a great enough quantity to attract His attention once again. In Ashmedeans society, all priests double as blacksmiths and engineers, and the building of bridges or forging of swords is as much a holy ritual as it is a craft.
  The Ashmedean Empire makes frequent use of golems, constructs built of clay or iron which can tirelessly perform simple tasks, manual labour, or combat. Golems are built in church-factories by priests of Kaldovaga.
Religious, Organised Religion
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Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets