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BSG | Bon Bloodline


It’s well known that barons find no greater source of pride and joy than jousting. However, those of the Bon bloodline take this to an even greater extreme. Members of house Bon describe the rush of adrenaline they feel while jousting as being near euphoric. Surprisingly the Bons aren’t concerned whether they win or lose as long as they enjoy the fight.


It would be unwise to assume this means more insouciant than other Houses as the Bons have a morbid tradition. The Bons romanticise the idea of dying a ‘glorious’ death in combat. Thus most Bons make having a glorious death their life goal and have been campaigning against jousting's, as Adam Bon III put it: “shockingly low mortality rate” since 812. As a consequence of this, most Bons die young (20 to 25). To counter this, Bons have vast amounts of children.


While the Bons aren’t the smartest or the fastest… or even the strongest, you’ll be hard pressed to find a house which gets a great sensation from the taste of blood in their mouth and the sound of their heart in their ears!!!


The Bon bloodline can be traced all the way back to the early 7th century. Originally, the Bons were more akin to a semi-nomadic small Clan of horse riders than a noble house. They did mercenary work mostly in the Ashmedean civil wars. The house Bon banner is a reminder of this past, the IX represents the amount of wars the Bons have participated in as mercenaries.


In 807, the Ashmedean Empire was in a relatively long period of peace hence the Bons were incredibly bored. Attracted by the thriving culture of the Kingdom, which encouraged self-sufficiency and promised undying glory, they migrated north to The March as they shared the Barons' love for mounted combat.


Overtime, the Bons adopted the culture and customs of The March and became fascinated with the art of jousting. Unfortunately, with each subsequent generation, the Bons lost the elite skills of their ancestors however their love for battle and want for a glorious death has yet to dwindle.

It's not a real battle without raging blood and a pounding heart

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Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets
Character flag image: by Vaspyr