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BSG | Event 0012 - Eligible Options

General Summary

Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:
I have found three potential matches for you. One eligible young man from each of the Kingdom's three regions. Choose wisely - you'll be securing a powerful alliance.
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Yes, yes, I know.

Queen Mother Isabella leads King Calimaco to the Great Hall, where she's arranged three portaits on easels. For now, each is covered by a cloth.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Wait, I don't even get to meet them?
  Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:
There's no time for sentiment. You just need a match that befits your station and suits your political needs.

She whisks away the cloth from the first portrait.

  Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:

From The Coast, we have Quintus Horn, the wealthy heir to Lord Patrician Nogg Horn's estate. I mean... just look at him. He's gorgeous. And apparently he's got a silver tongue, too.


His interests are typical of the Coast: money, money, money, and making more of it. He's said to be led by his passions, living in the moment with no thought for his reputation.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Could be worse. But could be a lot better.
  Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:

From the South: Pasqualo Tifall, the eldest son of the Tifall lineage. He's reputed to have an ego the size of the sun, but there's nothing wrong with confidence right?


Like many in The South, he claims to put his faith in the Ninth God above all worldly concerns. Despite that, though, he's said to have collected sins like a soldier collects medals.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Don't like the look of him.
  Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:

And, finally, we have The March's offering - Leopold Weeb, scion of the prestigious Weeb Bloodline. The Barons of the March all seem a little scared of him, though I can't work out why.


Unlike most Barons, he's got no patience for hunting. Prefers to spend his time in an armchair with a good book. He tried tow rite a memoir once, but it was unreadable rubbish.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Sounds like a laugh.
  Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:
What do you think? Of course, by picking a candidate you'll anger the other regions. But you'll gain a lifelong alliance!
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
I have made my decision.
  Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:
Well? Which of them do you wish to marry?
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Leopold, of the March.
  Queen Mother Isabella Bladesong:
Excellent. I'll make the arrangements.
Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets