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BSG | Event 0036 - Ambition: The Sceptre of Sages

General Summary

Treasurer Denise:

Your Majesty, I have the most exciting news. Our hired adventurers have discovered an ancient manuscript hidden deep beneath the mountains!


It speaks of the Sceptre of Sages, and it was written by Queen Alma Bladesong herself!


Worried about what would happen to the Kingdom after she died, she hid the Sceptre of Sages so her enemies couldn't find it.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Good work, Treasurer.
  Treasurer Denise:

It's in a warren of caves within the Blackweald Forest, Your Majesty. Near to The Capital - it's been under our noses this whole time!


I've taken the liberty of sending out more adventurers. They'll clear the area and get inside!

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Excellent! Send them on their way.
  Treasurer Denise:
As you wish, Your Majesty.

As soon as the adventurers return, the Treasurer comes to tell the Monarch the news.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Have they found anything?
  Treasurer Denise:
Most delightful news, Your Majesty! The adventurers have found a golden door beneath the forest which matches the description in Queen Alma Bladesong's manuscript!
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
So have we got the Sceptre?
  Treasurer Denise:

The Sceptre should be hidden within.


But the Sceptre of Sages can be found only by a Monarch who is strong of purpose and a true of heart.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
How do you prove it?
  Treasurer Denise:

Queen Alma Bladesong wrote a ritual for the Monarch to prove themselves worthy of the Sceptre.


If we go to the cave, I can read out the relevant passages while you set it all up.


King Calimaco Bladesong makes the arrangements, bringing a procession of horses, food, drinks, adventurers guides, and a little travelling desk for the Treasurer to the Blackweald Forest.


King Consort Leopold Weeb comes too, riding beside the Monarch.

  King Consort Leopold Weeb:

We're close, I can feel it. This Sceptre is my chance to rule this land once and for all.


Our chance, I mean, of course.


The adventurers lead them inside the cave, holding flaming torches to light their way. Soon the tunnel grows horribly cramped, and they bend double to squeeze through.

  King Consort Leopold Weeb:
By my honour, this had better not be a trap!

They walk for what feels like hours...


Just as they might have lost hope, they reach a golden door, exactly as the adventurers described.

  Treasurer Denise:
It will open only for the faithful. Close your eyes, Your Majesty. Concentrate...

King Calimaco Bladesong breathes.


His focus scatters and he open his eyes.

  Treasurer Denise:
Don't worry, Your Majesty. Maybe if we go back to the Palace and pray for guidance...
  They return to the surface far more quickly than they descended, blinking away tears in the sudden sunlight.
Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets