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BSG | Event 0038 - The Horde Strikes Back

General Summary

Grandee Katori Blueberry:

Your Holiness! The hordlings... they've returned.


The soldiers we sent only got rid of them temporarily. They've taken over my voneyard again. Those little bastards are impossible to kill!

  Grandee Horizon Turul:

Never mind that, Your Highness must act quickly to alleviate the spoon shortage in The South.


Spoons are disappearing all across the region!

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Dine. I shall call a vote.
  Grandee Horizon Turul:
Praise be. Thank you, Your Majesty.
  The Council
Result What can be done about the missing spoons in The South and the hordling attack on Grandee Katori Blueberry's vineyard?
Nay Pivot The South's industries to making more spoons.
Nay Burn down Grandee Katori Blueberry's vineyard to destroy the hordlings.
Yea Order a hunt for the missing spoons.
Veto Do nothing - these are trivial matters.

Peasants are conscripted from farms for the spoon hunt. Priests begin praying for a solution in chapels across The South. The City Watch take double nightly shifts to look out for the elusive cutlery thieves.

Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets