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BSG | Event 0048 - Ambition: The Sceptre of Sages

General Summary

With the Treasurer and adventurers in town, King Calimaco Bladesong returns to the cave door.


King Consort Leopold Weeb walks at his side.

  Treasurer Denise:
It will open only for the faithful. Close your eyes, Your Majesty. Concentrate...

King Calimaco Bladesong breathes.


A bright golden light flares behind Calimaco Bladesong's eyes, but he keeps his breath steady.


They hear the door rumble open. When they open their eyes, the tunnel ahead is utterly dark. Even the tourches do not illuminate it.


As soon as they step into the chamber, the torches snuff out. A hideous screams echoes from below. The adventurers scrambles into a protective stance, while the Treasurer wails.

  Treasurer Denise:
Oh, this is awful! Dreadful! I should have stayed in my office!
  King Consort Leopold Weeb:
I have to say I feel similarly.
  Treasurer Denise:
Do we even have enough air left?!
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
  Treasurer Denise:
Sorry, sorry. I'll stay calm.

King Calimaco Bladesong puts out their hands and feels their way along the wall. Then their fingers touch something.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Could this be it?

As they grip the Sceptre, it glows gold, chasing away the dark shadows of the chamber.


It looks like a simple wooden staff like any peasant might use for walking. But the glow is as bright as the sun.

  Treasurer Denise:
It's the Sceptre. Your Majesty, you've done it!
  King Consort Leopold Weeb:
We have the Kingdom in the palm of our hand!
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
First things first, I'll destroy my enemies!
  Treasurer Denise:
Goodness! Well, we must call the Nobles first, and tell them the good news.

Bearing the Sceptre, they make their way through the tunnels and back into the sunlit forest.


As soon as they return to The Capital, they call the Nobles to the Council Hall.


The Treasurer holds a velvet cushion upon which the Sceptre of Sages sits. It looks small and ordinary, but you sense the weight of its history.


King Consort Leopold Weeb strides at King Calimaco Bladesong side, glaring at every Noble they pass.


Behind them , the Heir Calimaco II Bladesong toddles along, hand in hand with his governess.

  Grandee Basterdio Oaktree:
What's going on, Your Holiness? Why have we been brought here?
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
I wanted to call you for a little chat.

The Nobles fall silent as King Calimaco Bladesong ascends to their throne and settles themselves comfortably.

  Treasurer Denise:
King Calimaco Bladesong has descended to the darkest depths of the Blackweald Forest and has retrieved the Sceptre of Sages!

Excited and worried whispers ripple around the Council Hall.

  Treasurer Denise:
As bearer of the Sceptre of Sages, the Monarch has sealed their destiny as King Calimaco Bladesong The Enlightened.
  Grandee Basterdio Oaktree:
How do we know it's real? It could be any old staff.

The Monarch picks up the Sceptre.


The Sceptre begins to glow, bathing the Council Hall in warm golden light. Then Nobles gasp and fall silent. Beside them, Calimaco II Bladesong claps his hands in delight.

  King Consort Leopold Weeb:
Excellent work, Calimaco Bladesong.

It becomes clear that even the grumpiest of Nobles will never dare speak against them while they bear the Sceptre of Sages. Finally, they have secured the throne and the Kingdom.


Their victory is here, but the future has only just begun.

Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets