Canals Technology / Science in Kingdom of America | World Anvil
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Canals are the process of using artificial waterways to transport goods from water source to another or to calm tense waterways. The building of large canals have made impacts on global technology, such as the Suez and Nicaragua Canals.


Britain has utilized the Suez Canal to allow for easier access to their trade networks in India through the narrow isthmus in Egypt. This shortened the route from going through the southern end of Africa. The Suez Canal eventually became a point of contention between Britain and Holland, becoming one of the leading reasons for the South African War.   America utilized the turmoil in the Federal Republic of Central America to build and take control of the canal through the region of Nicaragua. this was done to avoid going around South America to access the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic side.

Social Impact

The usage of canals under the Chancellery of Henry Clay to boost the American economy as a part of what he called the American System. Supported by the Unionist Party more than his own, the canals of the American System quickened American trade through the
Canals use a system of locking mechanisms to trap water through various channels. These are used to control the depth and amount of the water flow through the various channels. These allow ships to travel over various heights of land, for example the Nicaragua Canal.
Canals have been used to control the flow of water since ancient times. The oldest known canals were built in Mesopotamia around 4,000 BC.


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