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Hispaniola is the main island of the Kingdom of Haiti, where the seat of government resides.


Hispaniola is the most populated island in the Caribbean and the second largest after Cuba.

Localized Phenomena

The weather of Hispaniola can be tumultuous throughout the year, as the island is prone to hurricanes in the summer. King Laurent I famously lost his youngest son from Hurricane Jeanne in 2004.


Hispaniola has been the home of native people for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. It was divided up numerous times between the colonial empires of France and Spain under the name of Santo Domingo. The island became a place of high slave population, as the plantation owners found it more beneficial to replace their deceased slaves than to take care of their current slaves. Because of that, Hispaniola grew   With the Revolution and rise of Napoleon, the western third rose up into a slave revolt against their white overlords under the command of Toussaint Louverture. Napoleon attempted to reimpose slavery in the region and sent an expedition, but the fleet was intercepted during the Franco-American Wars and routed. Following this, the revolution leadership declared their independence as Haiti. Subsequent expeditions from the Haitians conquered the Spanish portion of the island, and encorporated them into the nation.   With the rise of Jean-Pierre Boyer and at the assistance of America, Haiti was proclaimed a kingdom, and the island would become the capital of the growing Haitian dominance in the Caribbean.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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