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Malta is an island colony of the British Empire in the Mediterranean Sea.


The government of Malta is headed by the exacutive branch, lead by a Prime Minister under the rule of the British Empire even during the interwar period.


The island of Malta is a naval fortress, housing the home of the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet.


Malta changed hands between the various kingdoms of Italy and the Crusading Knights for centuries. However, during the French Conquest of Egypt in 1798, Napoleon officially incorporated the island into the French Republic. The French were subsequently repelled from the island by the British beginning in 1800. It became a major naval fortress for the British, especially during the construction and subsequent usage of the Suez Canal.   During the Great War, Malta became known as the Nurse of the Mediterranean, as it housed a vast number of wounded soldiers that were housed on the island. However, this did not recuse it from the conflict, as the Italian navy established a blockade of the island in hopes of severing the British supply line through the Suez Canal. Though Malta never fell, it saw a significant decrease in Italian respect during the number of deaths related to the blockade.   Following the war, one point of Italian contention was the acquisition of Malta. However, the terms were found disagreeable, as Italy had failed to gain control of the island. Since Britain had been defeated, such a prize remaining within the British sphere of influence was just as unimaginable. A referendum was held, with three options granted. The voters selected between British dominion, Italian dominion, or home rule. The choice for home rule received the most votes, though none of the options gained a majority. As such, the political application of Malta remained in question. This further fueled Italian nationalism in the mainland, emboldening the idea of a mutilated victory.
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