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Mongolia, offically the Bogd Khanate of Mongolia, is a nation situated in Central Asia bordering Russia to the north, China to the south, and East Turkestan to the east.


With the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in China in 1911 with the Xinhai Revolution, Mongolian nobles declared the Bogd Gegeen, the spiritual lama of Mongolia, as Khan of all Outer Mongolia. The newly anointed Bogd Khan sought to gain recognition.   While they garnered support from the Russian Empire, the Russian Duma elected to not recognize Mongolian independence, but as an autonomous region of China, as well as their claims over Inner Mongolia. The former was to gather influence over the newly declared Republic of China as well as their desire for interests in Central Asia, and the latter was due to the perception of Mongolian Imperialism. Britain also declined to recognize Mongolian independence as they believed it would plunge Central Asia into chaos. The only state to recognize full Mongolian independence was Tibet, itself unrecognized.   China had made efforts to reincorporate Mongolia, beginning with the republic under President Yuan Shikai, and again during the Warlord Wars. During the conflicts, the Anhui CLique, allied with Japan, invaded Mongolia and restored Chinese authority over the region in 1919. Mongolia subsequently lost its autnomy.   Following the Great War, Russia entertained the concept of Mongolian independence as a manner to restore Russian influence in the region from Japan. Russian suppliers armed the Mongolian people and, in 1921, Mongolia regained its independence. The territory of Inner Mongolia remained under the control of the Zhili and later Fengtian Clique.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Bogd Khanate of Mongolia


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