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Sunai Sora'va

"Sunai Sora'va" - High Camoorian for "Divine Words"   Their holy book, Camen Aloor Suran, is High Camoorian for "Blessed Fire Story".

Cosmological Views

Bakura dano nukoen, orr imi veth vethen nive Imdano Serah. Ha Kebaen orr imi vethen, veth, sa veth’ae. Orr voaen en ze sraom’cha kunai da ha imdano aloor.   Before time began, all that is was the Eternal Force (Imdano Serah). It created all that was, is, and will be. Everything existed in a cleansing state of its eternal fire.

Void lasaen nive umda serah, Isran. Nive Suhile da Kuss koda lasa umda, aet orr dhavka’va imi voa dah ze kuss. Nive Imdano Serah vethen nevad kunai, mik en onth ruka en nive nedorav, Isran lasaen avda voa’na vadh za yoa nou. Oratus nive aloor ni lasaen, nive beaudua da ni eyar vadh nive aloor. Isran sa nive Imdano Serah voaen orr imi voaen. Nive adek nerai imi nive Imdano Serah rokaen voaen en Isran, zya odaen ka zav Keba’cha. Oratus nive sraom’cha aloor ni Kebaen komanou ark. Mik ha vethen akavae, reas kura dhuv za akavae monca moalen en anand.   Then came the first deity, Isran. The Goddess of Fate had to come first, as all things that exist meet a fate. The Eternal Force was without form, but in their home in the skies, Isran’s came into existence with a physical body. From the fire she emerged, the amber of her hair flickering with the flames. Isran and the Eternal Force were all that were. The same magic that the Eternal Force had flowed within Isran, who desired to partake in the act of creation. From the cleansing fire she created our world. But it was barren, little more than a bare rock covered in soil.

Void Teklil lasaen avda voa’na zyit nive Imdano Serah sellen nedorav komanou ark. Ha imdano aloor salenaen dahi avda nive ark, sa nive Suhile da Anarkoma sa Nahar’va lasaen vadh ob eyar sa vaha nive beau karau da nive ark. Zyi ni roaen, komaku sa pul’va geren. Ni roaen komanou ark, Keba’cha Anarkoma ivdar Isran sidaen ni ka Keba vadh za nafas en mansi. Void ni Kebaen Nahar’va.   Then Teklil came into being when the Eternal Force passed over our world. Its eternal fire breathed life into the world, and the Goddess of Nature and Animals came forth with red hair and skin the dark color of the world. Where she walked, trees and flowers grew. She roamed our world, creating Nature until Isran taught her to create with a purpose in mind. Then she created Animals.

Isran Kebaen nidal oratus nive ark, mik vethen nelaev vadh onth. Ni esaen imi ni sa Teklil rael’chaen ka tkoaer inote. Inote, onth Kebaen komanou sa hona onth en nive ark. Nive dihan da nive serah’va nukoen ka voa umda dorogoen gu komanou.   Isran created elves from the world, but was displeased with them. She realized that she and Teklil would need to work together. Together, they created humans and set them in the world. The attention of the gods now began to be primarily focused on humans.

Then Raizon came into being when the Eternal Force experienced humanity for the first time from its place removed from the world. The God of the Sky and Family, Raizon was taught by Teklil and Isran how to create. He chose to create the bond between family members and the need to protect one’s own.

Then Tam, The God of Love and Oaths, came into being when the Eternal Force witnessed the bond between family get strengthened when a father felt so strongly about his child that he swore to the gods that he would protect the child with his life.

Then Kossai, The God of Travel and Shadows, came into being when the Eternal Force witnessed humans separating from where they had all been to move across the world and settle in different places across it.

And so Isran, Teklil, Raizon, Tam, and Kossai were the first generation of the gods.

Tenets of Faith

  • Holy site: Asuhi
  • There are different areas of the Afterlife for the worthy, spread throughout several planes
  • Miroda is the realm of the god of Death, Inunah, and is considered the afterlife for bad people
  • Symbol: a nine-pointed star called a Mesra, nine points for each of Isran's nine epithets - Goddess of Fate, Creator, Magician, Great Queen, Eternal Raven, Far Seeing, Sovereign One, Defender of Humanity, She of Naivda.
  • Holy Color: amber
  • Creation Myth Type: order from fire
  • Mortals' Origin: chosen from among animals and Elves


Diviners are found at Coming of Age ceremonies.
    ▪ Lifestyle: monastic, live at the Temple

Granted Divine Powers

Only one person has ever received power directly from Isran, and that was Maephon, the first magic user.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Sunai Sora'va
Leader Title
Permeated Organizations


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