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The known Myth

It has been rumoured for centuries That the God had given his oldest son a secret recipe to help in extrime cases of core magic lose, but it was never confirmed and if it did happen then no one knows.
A rumor has started to spread in the last weeks.
It is said that a highly secret recipe was stolen from the High Father a few weeks ago by an elf of THE RUBY RAVENS he used it to drain the Ruby's leader and his family of all their Strength and powers. A rumor which if true could be a death sentence on the whole Clan who are dependent on the leader's staff for protaction.
The rumor is strangthed by the sudden death of the leader's three children and wife and by the sudden decline in the leader's health. who shocked everyone by appearing with completly white hair In the latest Gathering of the clans at the young age of 45. It is rumoured that over the centuries the recipe has been used a few times by the High father to stragth individuals but all participants were sworn to secrecy.

The truth behind the Myth

Sofuves is a mixture of spices (Mountain Bloom, Dophubi,Bichokam, Assella Fashioder and Bichokam) and water it is said that the god gave it to his first son. The mixture is able to transfer blood and abilities from one elf to another.
The recipe for Sofuves is a highly guarded secret passed down from High Father to High father. I now have to use it to restore the ruby's leader's core or find another Soultion before the clan loses their protractor completly.
— Writen 16/12/1020 Out of the gornals of Arbane - High Father since the year 1015


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