Remnant Species in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The remnant showcases a full humanoid skeleton created from metal. While two legs and two arms with hands and feet are among the norm of them, many can still be modified with more limbs should it ever come necessary. They do however, only sport four fingers and four toes rather than the five.

Genetics and Reproduction

As a mechanical construct, the Remnant can't just reproduce easily. To increase in numbers, they'd need to store a soul within a heartcoil and instal said individuals energy and sentience into a Remnants body.   It's either that, or they can create souless machines who only know how to serve through programming techniques. Although the upkeep and maintenance is a costly procedure which ensures they can never mass produce any armies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Since Remnants are immortal beings, as long as their soul remains bound to their Coiltech they can never truely perish. The same can't be said for their metallic bodies that while incredibly tough can still be scrapped like any other piece of technology. Hence their stages of growth is simple deterioation where mechanical parts will slowly require to be replaced or repaired through the passing of time.   Even should a Remnant be fully turned to shreds, they can still return by installing the heartcoil into a new frame.

Ecology and Habitats

While Remnants could technically survive with ease in any habitat, as long as their frame is built for that precise that climate, they do not often appear anywhere beyond that of their homeworld Develus.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As the energies which run through a Remnant is completely based on it's inhabiting soul, there is not even a need for them to power up as this energy will forever remain in the same state, unless the heartcoil is broken of course.

Biological Cycle

No metal is perfect and will hold forever. Iron will rust, steel will grow dull and certain internal components may after years of service start to malfunction. Not to mention, some components may be completely incompatible with certain climates, like different feet being usefull for different terrains or even seasons to combat issues such as snow and ice. Hence it's pretty common for Remnants to have more than one body they can switch over too, depending on the event.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Though Remnant faces resemble humanoid skulls, their craniums seem to in life have been oddly large with a firm, strongly built jaws. Spikes also run down from said jaw, and up their ears in the shape of spikey antennas and amplifiers. Their eyes seem to be completely missing except for different colours of glowing lazer orbs and they generally have artfull paterns adorned with jewels on the forehead.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Develus, though sometimes unsentient legionaries are sent to other realms of the hell.

Average Intelligence

Thousands of years ahead of the norm.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Remnants often have a complete lack of taste, smell and significantly less sensation of touch and pain, for better and worse. Their magic capabilities are very dependant on internal coils and machinery were they can range from incapable to limitless in sense of energy cost.   he remnant also have perfect eyesight which can scan targets, combined with both night vision and thermal vision. Likewise, their hearing capabilities can be changed to both increase or decrease sounds from different locations and they can also apply echolocation by sending out signals from them. Through signals, they are also able to communicate with linked Remnants or objects through miles long distances.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Tall, with perfect posture and near square wide shoulders. Most of the bones of their predecesors are showing, such as the arms, ribbcage and legs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
To easily discern one another from each sentient Remnant, they often got mechanical parts that carry little to no significant use beyond showcasing personality. This could be decorative elbows or kneecaps, or bejeweled shoulderplates to an oddly coloured finger on their hand. Such as three being made from steel while the fourth is of solid gold.
Geographic Distribution


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