Sigilstone Fortress Building / Landmark in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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Sigilstone Fortress

Purpose / Function

Ever since the hellgate of Virthrine opened up to not even the devils knows were, the Sigilstone Fortress has always loomed over the barren lands around the gateway. Ever standing vigilant and prepared should it be opened for an enemy invasion to pass through. Though originally, the fortress served as a colony for their clan to attempt agriculture and farming above ground. Something which didn't work out for very long as destructive forces from the gateway ruined it all.


Since the old colony became a fortess, a small castle tower has been built in a rectangle above the two gates that separate Sigilstone from the rest of Vithrine. During recent years the buildings have also had their balconies reinforced with Warpforged turrets and concrete walls combined with sandbags that look out over the landscape.   Between the middle castle and headquarters section - and the rear towers, two keeps have been built in the middle of both the left and right section of the wall. Both of these keeps serve as a barracks and armoury for the watchers to ease their constant vigil.


The fortress is built from pure concrete, from square buildings stapled on one another and bent in a tall arc which completely blocks off the Sigilstone region. It's buildings are pure gray and has around a thousand windows facing the hellgate, while the doors and walkways on the other side of the building stick out fully exposed, to be easily reclaimed should the wall fall.   The building isn't smoothly arced either, but built from cubical home after cubical home, which creates many sharp corners, blocks sticking out a few feet from the ground foundations, with other blocks hiding a few feet inwards as well.


The buildings are filled with small firing slots, turrets, trapdoors and bunkers, made to keep any invading force from behind at bay for as long as possible, while large staircases and entrypoints exist on the other side of the wall. The front side is also armed with small trenches and spikes, combined with a drawbridge to keep foes from scaling the walls.   The top of the castle tower, as well as the two keeps are also prepared with sniper posts and explosives to obliterate enemy warmachines from a long distance, while warp affected gargoyles perch on the corners and protruding concrete blocks of the wall sections and steel fences, ready to dive on anyone who suffers their ire. It is also the gargoyles job to screech loud cries that would echo through the walls, in case an invasion appears from the beyond.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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