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Kingdoms of Strezan

624 AGL

Created by Barefootyeti
The last great war has passed and the time of soldiers is over. The land is bountiful and the people are prospering because of it. Dwarves, Elves Humans and other various races work together in a harmony unlike any age has seen. Alas, not everything is as tranquil as it seems. Tales of supernatural beings scare children while the real things stalks the shadows and a strange unease washes over the kingdom as magic has been birthed in more infants now then ever before.   Let me introduce you to Kingdoms of Strezan fair reader. A mix of various systems brought together in a Victorian era setting. Gunpowder is just starting to be utilized and the new power of electricity has started to flow through cities. Now imagine a multitude of high fantasy magic being tossed into the mix.   This campaign will be heavily focused on intrigue and puzzles, political drama and mystery, role playing and character development and a heavy pour of combat when called for. Players will need to trust each other and their bonds will be tested to their limits as the story unravels, only the dice gods will prevail.   Speaking of the gods where have they gone?       -Yeti