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Connor Coragem

A self-proclaimed successful hunter of chaos and wayfinder of bureaucracy. Glowing eyes, large hat and the pelt of a damned creature, all staples of Connor when he walks in the room.

Campaign & Party

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14th day of Elesant

Connor's Notes of the Story so Far

by Connor Coragem

+Mr. Ungart is an ex coworker (libarian) from the king's court I worked with.
+Simon Rimein is a owner of the Clowd Spring Casinos in Mijorn
+Genral Odar. Dwarf who commanded rear group of the front. Knows more than it appears when it comes to kingdom happenings, knew there was going to be a change of leadership
+The shattering is when the lands split during the end of the war
+Cladwin is where the king's (alive in Mijorn) informants are located
+Tree east of the city in one month's time to meet with the king
+Grey Skillit in Mijorn owner is named Preet Slyfoot
+Ask Vallenwood about getting more ammo
+Nosgoth is where the chaos hunters have retreated towards
+Follers of Caladrius outside of Mijorn is the sect of chaos hunters I'm apart of.
-Hector Savole is the leader of the guild
+Connor's uncle name is Morris Coragem
-Is a Rizzard
+Hajji McNalius is the guild leader of our sister (chaos hunter) guild
+Hector has agreed to arrange for Chaos hunters to join us in the meeting with the king as well as provision/supply the journey to Cladwin
+Lotana Shammas is the chaos hunter trader
+Cammonbear De'blanke is the King's informant we are too meet in Cladwin

The major events and journals in Connor's history, from the beginning to today.

Soooo how do I do this???

02:39 am - 22.01.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Connor.

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