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High King Merjan Travill

Merjan Travill was the last High king of Strezan. After an assassination gone wrong, meant for him but instead killing his daughter, Merjan launched an all out assault against the dark nations to the east. Their barbaric ways had been tolerated long enough and now he would end them, or so he thought.
 Merjan Called the other lower kings to war and everyone answered, saddened by the death of the princess and hoping to earn more respect in the High kings eyes.    Merjan died fighting his war while the world shattered. Not much is known about his death. Much is speculated however.
 Some say that he felled the dark nations king Bols'arhan. Indeed some soldiers have detailed their reports about seeing the two fighting on a ridge as the world exploded around them. It is said after he felled the king that he looked to the oncoming destruction and raoared in defiance as the world took him.
 Others say that Merjan saw the impending doom in a dream and went into hiding before the shattering.

 Still others have heard tales that Merjan and his forces were losing and the shattering benefited all. No one knows.

The only known facts are that Merjan's body was never found and he was never seen after the shattering.

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