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Session 2: How did the king get there?

General Summary

This is an excerpt from one of the Taleniu Hastagrun - Dictated by Historian Hamulleng.   So, where did I leave off. Ah yes, My young readers we now center back in on our four characters. Jasper Valenwood, Clara Voss, Connor Coragem & Turner Waterby. They have all followed Jaspers acquaintance Renauld. We pick up right where we left off and in this strange room where there were all sorts of maps and drawing all over the walls. I think the Taleniu will be able to show a picture here.    

  Very good. So we resume as Jasper questions the man he has trusted for a very long time. There seems to be maps and drawing of the Valenwood estate and this puts young Jasper in quite a mood. Turner notices a sigil from the Vesper Syndicate and wow that brings up some bad memories.
No Modellian, this is very relevant, listen if you are to be in the same room and listen to this dictation I will need you to study some silence if that is at all possible.   Now questioning Renauld they find out that he has been paid to gather all of this information and it is all for a good reason. This Reason is never stated as who walks in? No Its rhetorical. The king of course, or is he still the king? Belmonte Travill Looking quite a bit haggard enters the scene and now has everyone's attention.   It is explained by Belmonte that he had hired Renauld to gather all this information in secret as he suspected someone might try and assassinate him. He had sent his doppelganger to the dinner tonight and assumed he had been killed the same as his wife, the queen. The party does notice that Belmonte looks as if he has been in a fight and he nods to this although does not elaborate it. They smartly don't push the subject. Of course that's Smart Modellian! Oh excuse me your majesty, how did the queen die? were you able to avenge her or did you fail in that? you see how that comes across? Our duty is to record the events and we may elaborate internally some other time. Hells below I am unsure why you became a historian in the first place!   There is some alcohol and discussion betwixt the party and the King and he implores some loyalty questions. Coincidentally he has entered maybe the only room in the kingdom where no one here grovels for his approval and no one in this party really seems to care about the throne. This encourages the king to trust them whether misplaced or not we will find out. He implores upon them to take a task. Too many coincidences point to the syndicate being hand in hand with someone in Mijorn as the party has ties outside the city he asks them to investigate as it will be well worth their time. Gold is an alluring mistress.   He gives them directions to the royal armourer as a man they can trust to gear up and get them out of the city and they part ways. Stealthily they make their way to the Royal Armourers shop, The winter hoof. Here they meet the eccentric Engvall Bolosvan. They see an odd amount of curiosity's including a strange purple cat that Engvall shares is his sister whom has been cursed.   He explains that he will need some time to get the gear they will need together and they should return the next day at noon. They ask for a recommendation on an inn and he suggests the Grey Skillet a few doors down. Jasper and Turner are both familiar with the establishment and owner and so away they go. Well Yes it is was a strange establishment Modellian but we are not judges to wonder at the motives of such creatures, we record the histories as they unfold.   Now there was quite a bit of back and forth between Jasper and Turner and the Owner a Ms. Preet Slyfoot. Modellian, if you call her mommy Preet one more time I will have the grand magus discipline you to the full extend of the temple.   Refocusing on the Party, they work a deal out with Ms. Slyfoot *squints at Modellian* for a very generous discretion package and 2 rooms for the night.   Turner heads right to sleep and Young Ms. Voss heads out to find a dance partner for the night to learn some information. Connor and Jasper seem to shrug it all off and play some dice for a little into the night winning some gold. This is the point where we zoom out on the party and so ends our entry.   I do wonder whether they will honor King Belmonte's request? Who's crosshairs will they be in? Are there any other forces at play and how many pieces are moving that involve these four strangers?   Yes I do end some of these with thoughts Modellian, we dictate as the events unfold it is not within our powers to unveil the future. Clearly we chronicle things for a reason, but a team of historians for 4 young strangers who met at a dinner party? You would do well to ponder this as well.   -Historian Hemulleng
Kingdoms of Strezan Campaign
Connor Coragem
Jasper Valenwood
Turner Waterby
8 / 8 HP
Clara Voss
Report Date
04 Feb 2023

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