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Chapter 1: Adventure Awaits!

Previous   After getting supplies for the long trek ahead, we began towards the direction of a trading post to the east. We were told that it was facing a number of bandit troubles and had requested aid from Restov - aid that would take time in coming. It was a four day journey, but it gave us time to get to know each other better.   On the second day, we came to a small village known as Nivakta's Crossing that seemed to be quite curious about the sudden influx of mercenaries and adventurers pouring out of Restov. We took some time to ask around about the rumors of bandit activity, which proved to be quite enlightening! Apparently, the newest group of bandits wear silver amulets of stag skulls and are lead by either a man or a demon of some sort. They even mentioned that they burnt down a river crossing recently! The people here did seem like quite the superstitious lot - even mentioning a cult of Gyronna that was likely behind the increase in banditry. Regardless, we didn't stay long as the town had very little to offer and we were on a mission to protect the people of the trading post!   A few more days of travel and we arrived at the trading post, which appeared to be more of a fort than anything else. High wooden walls protected a handful of scattered buildings - more akin to a flophouse than any of the inns in Restov. The owners, Oleg and Svetlana Leveton were busy making preparations for a number of bandits who were going to be arriving on that very day! The heroes would have none of that, of course, and went along the road to ambush the rogues. Things must have gone well, as they returned to the trading post at sundown, weapons bloody and bringing a captured thief along with them. I couldn't help but notice the swinging amulet shaped like a stag's skull wrapped around his neck...   Next

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