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Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius

The lord mayor of Restov, Ioseph Sellemius moves slowly when compared to the younger nobility in the southern town. He rankles under the control of the larger Brevic crown, but he does little to oppose the throne openly. Instead, he quietly makes sure that coin finds its way into the right hands and supports causes that he believes in. He has come to believe that Jamandi Aldori is just the sort of person needed to stand firm in trying times.   With a lion's mane of uncharacteristically golden curls, traces of white have begun to show the mayor's age. While possessed of a stout body, Sellemius is no fighter and was raised among the soft noble class. He does, however, appreciate the derring-do of firebrands and adventurers alike, and often goes out of his way to support their causes.
  • Ancestry: Human
  • Career: Aristocrat 5
  • Alignment: ??

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