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Ninym Windchime

Ninym Windchime

Following almost a century of being forced to study and work hard, Ninyms life was turned upside down by a supernatural incident. Now, with mastery over both archery and the magic of the storm, she strives to learn more about this new world she found herself in and truly earn her adult name.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Petite and frail, though using her archery and her magic she can pack a good punch.

Body Features

She's pretty small, but what she lacks in height or strength, Ninym makes up for in skill. Also, for her level of lazyness, she is clearly taking very good care of herself.

Facial Features

Ninym has green eyes that sometimes are brighter or darker depending on the time of day and mood of her. Most of the time Ninym doesn't really care what her facial expressions tell others about her. That's the reason you can clearly see when she is feeling angry or anxious.

Identifying Characteristics

Her clothing style is modern-casual and she fights with her longbow mixed with elemental magic. Also, her Smart Chime is somewhat unique in Kingsland. She can listen to music through it and take notes with it.

Physical quirks

She fidgets her fingers in stressful situations. Also, Ninym is extremely flexible, which most likely stems from her elven heritage.

Special abilities

Ninym trained to an extent that she can precisely launch herself across the battlefield while fighting using wind magic. It takes great control of ones' own body to also land on your feet without hurting yourself after being launched 30 feet in the air. Sometimes her arrows are also infused with lightning or thunder.

Apparel & Accessories

Ninym wears modern-esque clothing. A zip-tie jacket mixed with pocketless pants and a plain shirt. She wears a bag around her upper body in which she keeps all of her things. Her Smart Chime is always in her Jacket, though.

Specialized Equipment

Her special ability is the mixing of masterful archery and strong elemental magic, especially wind magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


  Ninym came from a place where the high elves in her community, which were called the Sun Elves of Gravistris, really prided themselves with their superiority above other races. They were even more technologically advanced, regardless of the fact that they were elves. This meant that all of the people she knew were really hardworking and serious. In stark contrast to her community, though, Ninym was really laid-back and just wanted to enjoy life. In school and at home, she was quickly branded as the lazy one. Ninym wasn't able to do the great things her classmates and peers were doing, so she quickly felt left out. Gravistris is a big city with many people, and still, Ninym felt alone. When they slowly approached graduation, Ninym didn't know what she wanted to do after school. What she should do to earn her adult name. That's when her best friend, Ameria, said: "Why don't you show off your archery and maybe become a huntress or join the military?". "That's it.. a huntress. My archery is not needed in our gigantic city, but as a huntress I could do whatever I want outside of all the fast city life. A chance to finally show them all that I am not useless.", she thought.  

The Incident

  A few days after, Ninym was walking along a narrow cliff with Ameria. They were on their way into the deep forests on a hill, so that they could have fun and do a little bit of archery and alchemy. Ameria loved alchemy, but the city wasn't holding the ingredients one would use for it. Suddenly, it started to rain. It started in a flash, and very quickly, the rain became a storm. Since they both knew the dangers of staying in a forest inmidst a storm, they ran back. They ran until they reached the cliff. A little slower, but still fast, they ran down the cliff they traversed hundreds of times already. As they were almost halfway down the cliff, a blinding light mixed with a deafening sound filled their senses. Still a little blinded both lost their footing. They slided down the cliffside and when their vision cleared, they saw they were sliding towards a giant destroyed part of the cliffside. They tried to stop themselves, and right as Ninym fell, Ameria caught her arm. Both Ninym and her friend were rather frail and small, but Ameria was even smaller than Ninym, so she knew her friend couldn't hold both of them, especially on such slippy ground. Ninym, dangling above a steep cliff, reached into her bag and took out Zephyr, her pet lizard. She reached Zephyr towards Ameria, but she shook her head, and started shouting and crying, trying her best to pull Ninym up. As Ameria slipped slightly, Ninym let go before both of them fell. The last think Ninym saw was Ameria holding her hand out towards her, leaning over the cliff. Ninym saw her life flashing in front of her. She held Zephyr tight, mentally apologizing to him. Right before hitting the ground of the beach, Ninym was struck by lightning, and everything went white.  

Strange Lands

  Salty water splashed in Ninyms face, which caused her to wake up. She raised her head out of the sandy beach and looked around, her vision still blurry. She saw a ghostly figure of a beautiful woman standing a few feet from her on the beach. Ninym rubbed her eyes, and when she looked again the figure was gone. A quick glance was enough for Ninym to deduce that her falling to her death was not a dream, she really fell. But something was off... The cliff she just fell from wasn't destroyed. Everything looked just slightly different; the trees, the beach itself, the vegetation around the cliff. A few steps toward her city made made her jaw drop. Where before there were streets and houses, were now plateaus of pure green, tall trees, and clearings with wild animals. Everything.. was gone...


Ninym is not really interested yet in partaking in a serious relationship.


High-elven weapon training and education. Though, she slacked off on most of it. But not on archery. She always loved archery.   After the incident, Ninym could sometimes while in Trance hear a faint soft voice telling her unimaginable secrets about the weave and the storm.


Ninym was a student back in her city, so she didn't really have to work or anything. Though, in Kingsland, she works from evening to midnight in a local tavern, The Dry Angel Inn. Ninym and Cove need the money to finance their house at the edge of Riverfront.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was the best in her archery class, but also the most reckless. Also, she's pretty quick in learning new languages.

Failures & Embarrassments

Since she lacked in every other topic besides archery, which isn't an especially important subject, she was seen as the lazy one, and was laughed at by most people and shunned by grown ups. In her community, lazyness was frowned upon like almost nothing else.

Mental Trauma

Her peers laughed at her when she couldn't do something the others could do. The teachers didn't try to stop them from it, they just ignored it and secretely also thought that way of her.   When Ninym fell, she left behind everything. Sometimes she thinks back to the old times.. about her parents, her sister.. about Ameria...

Intellectual Characteristics

She doesn't understand much about other worlds but her own, but she sure knows how to bend elements to her will. Even her own world she does not truly understand, however.

Morality & Philosophy

Live your life and take your time doing it. Also, take a deep breath from time to time and just appreciate the things you have right now. You are not wasting anything for not being on alert all the time. You are you.


You should never laugh at people because they're different, the world would be extraordinary boring if everyone were to be the same. Don't push people around just because you're physically stronger, that doesn't make you worth more as a being, it just proves your insecurity. Every person deserves freedom.

Personality Characteristics


Since the incident made her incapable of partaking in normal Sun Elf life anymore, Ninym wants to find an adventure worth of an adult name. The more she lived out in the world, though, the more she appreciated to live inmidst other cultures. She will someday earn her adult name, but she sure as hell won't rush it. Ninym wants to see new things, meet new people, test her old, and also new skills and further hone them, and most of all, she wants to find a few close friends she can share those adventures with. Maybe even find a way to see her best friend, Ameria, again...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ninym knows her way around archery and elemental magic. Also, she can strike up a conversation with strangers without breaking a sweat. Ninym learned her way around so many cultures, she could even learn the fundamentals of a language in a day.   Ninym can't concentrate on things she doesn't care for, making it really hard to follow lessons from time to time. Labor also would break her down in less than a day. Ninym can't handle people that see themselves as superior and want to push other people around all the time.

Likes & Dislikes

Ninym really likes to listen to her music. Especially on long walks through the forest or places that are as beautiful and alive as forests. Long evenings at the tavern with new people or old friends are also times that cannot be paid for.   Ninym can't really stand people that boast all the time, especially if they boast about money or other physical possessions. Working, studying and doing things because someone told you to is also on her list of dislikes.

Virtues & Personality perks

Given by her elven heritage, Ninym can see extraordinary good in the dark. Generally her senses are honed by her heritage. Enchanting magic also doesn't work that good on her. Ninym had a very good education, although she didn't put it to good use, but she took some skills from it. Her natural connection with the weave is unbeaten when it comes to storm magic, though.   Ninym is friendly, creative, determined, and also helpful if a person is in great need of her help.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ninym is somewhat lazy, some people would say she is wasteful, though she sees it as just living her life to the fullest, and sometimes she acts on impulses.

Personality Quirks

Ninym is daydreaming most of the time. She speaks multiple languages, even obscure ones. Her handwriting is illegible, because she notes down everything on her Smart Chime.


She absolutely doesn't like to be dirty, so she washes herself up to multiple times per day, not counting washing her hands.


Contacts & Relations

Ninym met Cove, who apparently came out of the ocean. Cove asked where Ninym where the ship she was just about to board was going. She told him it was about to go to Kingsland, a far away continent that was discovered not to long ago. On a whimp, Cove joined her. After settling in Riverfront, they got an apartment and are now working at local establishments.   In Gravistris Ninym also had some close friends. They were also about to earn their own adult name, though. So they would've been torn apart anyways. Apart from Ameria, with whom Ninym wanted to buy a house inmidst the forest because they would've become hunter and alchemist. Both of which are in need of the forests. Ninym has no reason but her old friends and maybe some of her family to think back to Gravistris.

Family Ties

Ninym likes her sister, but her parents were always so cold and serious. Rarely did they show affection to their children. Of course, Ninym still loved them, but its not like she couldn't live far apart from them with just the occasional letter.

Religious Views

Its not like Ninym doesn't believe in gods, she just doesn't really worship them. She would never judge anyone who puts their trust in gods, though.

Social Aptitude

Ninym is able to socialize with almost everyone and every culture in almost no time. This comes mostly from her ability to just look past differences and focus on what people really have in common.


Ninym is very casual, and would rather not be serious or professional, ever. She is not ill-behaved, though. Just plain casual.

Hobbies & Pets

Ninym has a pet lizard called Zephyr. It lives in her bag.


Ninym doesn't have strong accents, though sometimes she uses elf mannerisms or human words when she speaks elvish or some other language.

Wealth & Financial state

Ninym has absolutely no wealth whatsoever. When she came to this world, she didn't even have a copper.

Ninym is a chaotic, curious, but also laid back elven archer girl that strives to truly earn her adult name, Ninmyllia Stormthunder.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lazy One
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 9''
77 lb.
Known Languages
Auran Common Dwarvish Elvish Giant Halfling Primordial

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