Ninym Windchime

Ninym is a chaotic, curious, but also laid back elven archer girl that strives to truly earn her adult name, Ninmyllia Stormthunder.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Ninym's history, from the beginning to today.

A gate you had to go through right before reaching the clearing. Ameria's father once told us a few miles behind the clearing is a holy temple were once a giant mystical creature had been worshipped. His stories were really intriguing.

02:41 pm - 08.10.2021

Honestly, it was kind of dangerous traversing the cliff just to get to our private clearing. But it was worth it every time, so we didn't think much about it. I miss the old times...

02:39 pm - 08.10.2021

Ameria lived here. It was over two hours from the capital. Didn't stop me from visiting very frequently, though. Her parents were just as sweet as her, and we had to go there to get to the top of the cliff, the clearing we always used to train. It was perfect for archery, and she found an incredibly vast amount of different herbs, fruits and flowers for her alchemy.

02:38 pm - 08.10.2021

Here it is, my apartment. Had to share with my sister, who also went to the same academy. At least we had a station right on top of the shops opposite to our apartment.

02:36 pm - 08.10.2021

This old section of our academy was used for the arts of botanism and alchemy. Nobody I knew but Ameria was interested in learning about it, even though the looks of this section were very natural and alluring.

02:32 pm - 08.10.2021

The capital of Gravistris. Had to commute there every day. Actually, I kind of miss it. I had it comparatively easy living at the edge of town, Ameria had to commute over 2 hours every morning and every evening to get to the academy.

02:23 pm - 08.10.2021

It's been 5 years now. I've been thinking about all the things that have happened. Maybe I should ask Cove about pursuing one or the other rumor we hear in The Dry Angel Inn. I bet he's been getting antsy lately, too!

10:07 am - 08.10.2021

Ah yes, my best friend Ameria Aurumcor. The best, and also only alchemist in the city of Gravistris. Jokes aside, she's really skilled in a this lost art. Also, even though she is smaller than I am, Ameria is way smarter and wiser than me. She is the sweetest, most precious person I've ever known. I wish I could see her again. Her face when I fell... I can't get it out of my head. I hope she's alright and doing well... I just wish I could tell her I'm alright.

10:03 am - 08.10.2021

My sister, Nivia Wintersolice. She's a natural talent in most subjects, making my parents compare me to her all the time... I love her anyways and I always have. Sometimes she can be a little pushy and obnoxious, in the end, though, she's my little baby sister.

09:57 am - 08.10.2021

Eye of the Storm

I think I can confidently control the winds around me while also concentrating on shooting arrows, making it very hard to hit me. This will come in handy.

09:18 am - 08.10.2021

Controlling The Storm

I was playing around with archery and the magic of the storm. If I compress air at my feet while shooting an infused arrow, its not only making the arrow faster, its propelling me 30 feet into the air. Landed quiet hard yesterday, but I think if I train it enough its gonna make up for my lack of melee prowess.

09:16 am - 08.10.2021

Last night a customer started a fight with another customer. Unfortunately for them, Cove sat right next to the customer. They flew out the door, and at least 15 feet further out to the night lit streets. Haven't seen them around since.

09:13 am - 08.10.2021

The Huntress

After we bought the hut in the woods I started hunting and I gotta say, I've gotten pretty good at it. At first I could only suffice for Zephyr, but now I can bring it to work and make a few coins with it.

09:10 am - 08.10.2021

My summer outfit. Most of the time I wear my pocketless pants, though.

09:08 am - 08.10.2021


My pet lizard that lives in my bag, Zephyr!

08:52 am - 08.10.2021

When you can't go back, you have to worry solely about the best way of moving forward.

08:51 am - 08.10.2021

First Job

To afford their house, Ninym had to find work. She found a job in the local tavern, The Dry Angel Inn, serving customers from evening to midnight.

08:45 am - 08.10.2021

Riverfront House

Ninym and Cove bought a small house in the outer parts of Riverfront

08:44 am - 08.10.2021


Ninym met Cove, who joined her on her journey to Kingsland.

08:43 am - 08.10.2021

The incident

Ninym fell, and awoke in shock and awe...

08:43 am - 08.10.2021

Training with Ameria

Ninym and Ameria both had a passion that required them to go the forest often, which made it easy for them to become best friends.

08:41 am - 08.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ninym.

Played by

Other Characters by LamiiaSuu