Burrowing // Phasing

"The Palace of Unity has no doors. You have to announce yourself that our Carbunclo butlers can vibrate you through the hinge-less massive entrances. Please state your business with the Triumvirate."

Palace callcenter

The ability to burrow through solid matter without damaging it is a quite useful magic in various locations and classes. The nobility likes to recruit Fossix butlers to act as keys to their most precious. Surgeons prefer this magic to undergo non-invasive surgeries phasing through the patient's body leaving medication straight inside the source. Prospectors take their risks of falling through the ground in the search for unknown cave systems.
Even if this ability sounds fairly straightforward is the mere ability to ignore the solid state met with many dangers Fossici have to take into consideration.

Vibrating // Phasing

(...) Denton was suddenly feeling a sensation of vibration coursing through his entire body, energizing his very essence. The same thing, he noticed, happened to the other three as well. They started vibrating at a low frequency, and suddenly he was able to look past them. Right through their bodies at the scenery behind them. A view, that would have otherwise gotten blocked by their solid bodies. He was amazed, being able to feel such an interesting state of his body first-hand, he felt light, and the ground felt light. Denton looked down and saw parts of his feet slowly getting swallowed by the solid ground; he was no longer walking on it. (...)
Excerpt from my novel Mending and Havoc

Fossici are not only able to put themselves into a state of low vibration but also everything they touch or stay in contact with. The way a Fossix utilizes their magic tells much about their preferences. Some let their own body vibrate to phase through objects, others prefer to put objects into this state rendering them intangible for as long as they touch them. Both methods have their advantages, neither is the ultima ratio. Fossici furthermore possess the crucial ability to dictate the direction the burrowing should take place in. This feature is however quite difficult to grasp and requires a waking mind and focused will. Otherwise, the mage couldn't decide when to burrow straight down or stay on one level. The so-called state of swimming turns the solid into a diveable semi-tangible matter that allows the Fossici to utilize buoyancy to swim through solids.

Giving // Taking

A popular method of using this ability in a fight is to selectively make stuff tangible while interacting with things or beings. They can store stuff in chests without opening them or empty the same via phasing the chest itself. Another more sinister use is to interact with the insides of living beings. There is enough space in various organs to store beneficial or harmful stuff inside. This ability is one of the many reasons why Zabrit finds its uses even in the Veil-dominated countries of Prius despite its sickening effect on mages. It secures walls and boxes from the intangible hands of the Fossici.
"Shipping requests for zabrit-laced crates have skyrocked since the Triumvirate lost two members through General Field Marshal Fide's surprise meddling into the century war. Distrust between the citizens of Nemthi has reached an all-time high and we are the only one producing mage-proof furniture.
I nearly feel bad ... and it's gone. Profit!"

CEO of Comfortheria™
Aquired Through
Symbiosis with a Tunneler
General Name
Related School
Rare manifestation of the gate of autuum
Related Element
Strong association with the earth element / strong association with the water element
Effect Casting Time
Instantaneous, concentration required
Contact-based. Fossici have control over the vibrations of anything they are in contact with.

Physical Alterations

Fossici benefit not much in a physical sense from the symbiosis. Most changes in their sensual department are subtle and means to prevent them from solidifying inside solids. Like a seventh sense of tangibility. This subconscious alarm makes sure they will feel it in their bones whenever it is actually safe to solidify their body or parts of their corpus. This awareness doesn't spread however to anything or anyone they carry with them, hence why passengers usually remain intangible till the mage can rely on their other senses again.
Despite that have Fossici access to a slightly mutated lung to allow them to hold a deeper breath in the intangible state without the air escaping their non-solid body.
View it like taking a dip into the ocean. You don't want to inhale water and you sure as hell don't want to inhale solids either.
So take a breather and go burrow!"

Empty graves

Becoming a Fossix is quite a decision. They tie with Accelors on the mortality rate within the first month. If a Fossix uses their abilities without proper training will their grave either be a cavern deep underground or the very core of Prius, burning for their hubris.
"Here lies [Redacted], resting somewhere 7000 meters below.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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