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General Info

Melan is a human kingdom to the north of Emia Sound. It is one of the five Canti majority nations, though Melan has a more diverse population than the other four with ethnic Argo and Cealeans making up a sizable chunk of the population as well. Melan has a population of just under 210 thousand people and a surface area of around 92 km².


The Kingdom of Melan was founded in 85 Before Valeri. The name "Melan" had been used for a long time before that to indicate the region north of Emia Sound, but it was only used politically when Juhlim of Ceanon united the city-states that had existed in the region for a while into one larger nation, the Kingdom of Melan. Juhlim would become the first king of this new country.
In its early stages some dukes and barons, those who had once ruled over a city-state, caused problems for the young nation. King Juhlim I solved many of these problems by introducing feudalism. This gave the impression that the dukes still had a decent amount of power. The ones that did not agree with this decision were quickly convinced with knife and wine.
King Sharges II of Yileenia, still under its own dynasty at that time and with the Panian territories, was a bit of a hothead and saw the new kingdom up north as a potential threat. Thus in 81 BV, he declared war on Melan. It would not be a long lasting conflict though, as Sharges II was only interested in showing King Juhlim I that Yileenia ruled the area. The only large scale battle was the Battle of Dikanan, in which Yileenian forces annexed the town with surprisingly great difficulty due to the ingenuity of the Melanese marshal, Gren of Sedaska.
The only other major conflict that Melan was involved in was the defense of Lenia in 186 AV, when Xurxian goblins tried to invade Lenia, Melan's neighbor to the northeast. The defense was a success and not long after, in 188 AV, Lenia became a Melanese protectorate.

Politics & Economy

Melan has had relatively good relations with its neighbors from the beginning, except of course with Yileenia. The Republic of Pania to the west is Melan's most trusted ally. Lenia is, being a protectorate, a good ally of Melan's as well and so are the halflings to the north.
The government system is a constitutional monarchy, this means that the king is the absolute ruler, but still has to obey the constitution. This idea of rules for rulers has been copied from Pania. Melan is also still feudalized with dukes ruling over all major towns and cities and their surroundings, whilst having to obey the king as well.
Melan's economy is that of an open market. Everyone can open a business as long as they can sustain themselves. Guilds are common practice in the kingdom and help to support the economy.
Melan is known for its luxury clothing made from animal hides and fur. Melanese wines are also near the top of the list, which is surprising looking at the lower temperatures in the country.

Geography & Biology

Melan has a pretty diverse landscape, but can generally be divided into two biomes. Deciduous forests and grasslands. In the west you can find lush and fertile forests, close to the Senam river. The biodiversity here is the highest of any region in Melan. More to the east, but still in the west, the woods become a bit more open and the biodiversity wanes a little bit. Many birds inhabit these open woods. In the Melanese heartland you find the arable grasslands. Due to the west to east winds, rain from the forests in the east is carried here. Supplying the plains with a perfect amount of water to do agriculture. Deer, rodents and their natural predators inhabit these lands. The plains in the north are different. They are a bit colder as well as slightly sloping. Many larger herbivores like bison can be found here, bringing with them bigger predators like wolves. In the south-east of Melan, finally, more forest can be found. This time with a lower biodiversity due to their proximity to the sea. These lands too, are often used for farming or other kinds of agriculture.

Culture & People

Melan is a diverse place in the field of culture. The four major cultural groups in the kingdom are the Canti, who form the majority in the south-west as well as a part of the north-east. The Argo in the north-west, the Cealeans in the east, and finally the Srine, an ethnic halfling culture, in the northern regions. Other cultures and ethnicities exist withing the country's borders as well, though in lesser numbers.


The Melanese heartland and western regions house the most people, closely followed by the coastal and eastern lands. The north is, logically, less inhabited due to the mildly harsh environment.


  • Melan and Surroundings
    This map shows the Kingdom of Melan in the center as well as the territories near the country.
Founding Date
85 BV
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Melan
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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