The First Eating Contest

At first no one knew what to eat or what should or should not be eaten. When people were hungry they would just take whatever was around and try to eat it. People tried to eat rock, nuts, live mice, boogers, and many other things. One day the Malakof who led the Golden City said " we must know what should be eaten and what should not." So all the people of the land were challenged to come together with all kinds of different things and the Malakof's guards will try what is brought to see what is food and what is not. The person who brings the best food will get the blessing of the Malakof.   So People started coming with things they had around the house. The guards ate the things and the scribes recorded their judgments. Bread is food, Bone is not food. Barly, also food, dirt not food. These tests went on and the scribes continued to record the results as the answers became more complicated. Berrys and Mushrooms, some are food others, not food. Old meat, not food. Then the people started to make a game out of it. They began to repair food and not food. Some made the guards sick, others made the guards think the people were sick. Cake with a knife in it, not food, same with cake with barf. Cake though, food. People began barring food in pots to bring the Malakaf. The guards began getting more and more nurvosce as people got more creative and brought smaller things. Kimchi, is food. Pickeled Oister Juce, also food, well drink, but why. Finaly an old woman brought an egg, a black egg. The guards looked at it strangely. Even the bravest of guards would not eat it. It looked weard, it smelt weard, nun would touch it. So finally the Malakof ate it and with plesur the Malakof declared the black egg the best of foods and gave the old lady his blessing.


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