Aerona's Gambit in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Aerona's Gambit

Also known as Aerona's Bet, this is a dice game popular in taverns and inns across Demarn. It is played using seven six-sided dice.  


Playing the game is quite simple: A player is challenged to roll a single die. Meanwhile, at the same time, their opponent rolls six other dice. The objective is to have the upward number on the single die land with no matches to any of the other dice. The number is said to be symbolic of Demarn's divine pantheon, with the lone die being Aerona herself, whilst the other six being of the rest of the deities.  


Because of the simple nature of the game, a player can only win or lose.   If it a match is made, the player loses and forfeits their bet to their opponent.   If none of the other dice match, the player doubles their winnings and can choose to roll again in the hopes of tripling it with the exact same risks as before.  


Whilst originally a one-versus-one game, modern variations include one multi-diced opponent and many challengers. This makes it a greater risk for the opponent as the more challengers, the more chance of them losing.

Cover image: by nikiteev


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