Syreen Character in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Syreen ([Sai]+[reen])

Oracle Syreen (a.k.a. Sy)

Syreen is one of the last officially recorded artificial attempts to create an Elven Oracle. Despite suffering from The Reversing, he was the only subject of his batch to reach adulthood with little effects and was considered somewhat of a success by the fanatical scientists.   Records claim he was lost after an altercation with a trespassing human saw the both of them falling off Pointer Cliff and into the sea.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

After a lifetime of being coddled by the scientists responsible for his birth, Syreen has a scrawnier physique than most elves. Whilst his condition in the end made him unable to stand or walk for more than a few feet, he was not by any means weak, and the changes his body underwent left him unmatched in the water.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like all of those crafted in a laboratory, Syreen was a sickly child. Where the others were permitted to wander the complex, he was kept inside and permitted to study longer, which likely led to his somewhat analytical outlook on life. He was known to challenge the scientists at every turn, often on the very philosophy that had brought him and the others into existence. He refused to attempt any connection with the Wisdom Stone, claiming that digging into a past that had long since died would serve nothing.   He was forced to endure being cut off from his magic, via an infitialis collar, so that the effects of The Reversing might be slowed enough to get him into adulthood. The scientists were right, although their efforts were considered more a stroke of luck, as the other eleven either died as the changes claimed them or escaped (as with the case of this batch's sole subject suffering from The Hunger).   During his adulthood, Syreen had become withdrawn. The collar was removed in the hopes that being connected to his power might be enough to perk him up (in more than one way) and, for a while, it seemed to work. No one knew he was actually rendezvousing with a Talfaltaner human who, having survived a shipwreck and looking for potable water, had stumbled upon the same pool Syreen swam in. These meetings started through concern for the human should the man be caught, then shifted into curiosity about the world beyond Heimat's borders, before growing into fondness. The latter sealing both their fates.  

The Change

With the unleashing of his magic, the scientists were forced to train Syreen in its usage. Like other things, he was skilled and his talent increased at a substantial rate this also caused a surge in the body-altering effects of his condition.   Like all sufferers of The Reversing, the signs started small. The faint webbing between his abnormally long fingers spread to encompass the whole length. The fine scales that had adorned only patches of his body slowly overtook the rest as his skin flaked off. His teeth fell out one by one, replaced with sharper versions. The cartilage in his pointed ears broke into spines and fanned out, leaving the skin stretched between them.   It wasn't until he grew gills practically overnight that his caretakers were sent into a frenzy. Fortunately, he retained the ability to breathe outside of the water. From there, the change only seemed to speed up. He grew restless, demanding an increasing amount of time in a nearby pool. A request that was met for fear of losing their one 'success' to madness. But it didn't slow the changes and, around the time he was lost, it was said he was chairbound when out of the water.


Heimatian elves have strict gender and sexuality roles (an outlook their nomadic counterparts lost long ago) and, as Syreen grew into adulthood still relatively unchanged, he was expected to perform certain duties. This wasn't only to pass on his Oracle heritage whilst he still could, but to see if he was at all capable of siring children. Unfortunately for the scientists, Syreen showed no interest in such pursuits, even when presented with a variety of women. It is said their desperation was enough to have them presenting men to Syreen with similar outcomes.   Unbeknown to anyone else until he was lost, Syreen had grown smitten with a human man.
973 AES 1000 AES 27 years old
Secret Laboratory, Heimat
Place of Death
Pointer Cliff, Heimat
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white. Much of his body his covered in fine, almost translucent, scales.

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