
"The elf kings aren't even really elves, not on this continent. They're eladrin, part fey. More fey than the average elf, anyway. You ask me, they're all the descendants of the Abominable Thing that the elves are tied to. If The Elector Council would only listen to me, it's our duty to liberate Doroinir Nimloth from their kings according to The Noblewhite Alliance charter."   ~Archmage Dulacar of The Brass Tower


An aran is supposed to be wise, even tempered, and willing to listen to their advisers. A male or female can hold the post, which will obviously change the face of the Lindissët at the highest levels.


All that's truly required for the position is noble blood.


The aran is a hereditary monarch chosen by the previous monarch from among his own children. If the aran dies before choosing an heir, the Lindissët puts up their own candidates and the Airimossë appoints the new aran from among them.


The aran's duty is to protect their kingdom. In Doroinir Nimloth in particular, they are responsible for this protection as well as ensuring good relations with the Abominable.


The aran is in charge of the armies of Doroinir Nimloth, and nominally in command of the diplomacy and priesthood, though in practice these duties are fulfilled by the Lindissët and the Airimossë respectively.


The aran is entitled to a whole host of rights, privileges, and luxuries not afforded to more common elves. Chief among these are the Right of Life, wherein the aran can order the pardon or execution of anyone in their realm. Next is the Right to Wed, wherein the aran can declare or annul any marriage at will. Last among these firsts is the Right to Locate, wherein the aran can declare anyone a citizen (or not) of Doroinir Nimloth.

Accoutrements & Equipment

In Doroinir Nimloth, the king wears the Terrible Regalia for all official functions (including battles.) These are gifts from the Abominable to the arans of old.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Aran is a lifetime position. It's extremely rare for one to die before their time, but it has been known to happen when harem intrigue boils over.


The Arans of Elvenkind have ruled the various elf kingdoms since time immemorial.
Sigil of the Aran
Nobility, Hereditary
Equates to
Source of Authority
According to the elven version of the Canticles of the Demiurge, the first king Dom was an elf and his children hold the right to rule by birthright.
First Holder
Current Holders
Related Organizations


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