
14th Shining Cantata:   Through gloom, despair and shadowfall   his watchful gaze protects us all   with claw and tooth and armored scale   against the dark we shall prevail.       "Upon the Cinderslope he perched , wings spread wide and shining like the new dawn. In the villages below, the people did worship and feast. And whilst he stood ever vigilant the sun did not set for a period of three days."   -Miracles, 2:14       "Rising from the fray, Bahamut set upon the Cloaked Serpent, also called Zehir, and burned him with silver flame. He then rent him asunder with his mighty claws and scattered his remains to the winds.   -Chronicles of the Dawn War, 8:2       "To arms! if we prevail we rid this place of darkness and evil, if we fail, we enter into his shining palace for eternity!   -Prophets of the Scale, 11:13       "And on that day, the heavens will open and silver flame will pour out over all the realms. The righteous will find strength in it, the wicked will be diminished by it, and evil will breathe its last breath."   -The Revelations of Saint Jorum, 15:5

Holy Books & Codes

Holy books of Bahamut are known as the Platinum Star Hymnals, and even paladins of other faiths often read them for their perspective. They are the most detailed account of the Dawn War in existence, though it's only of the actions of Bahamut himself as he sought to destroy evil wherever it was found.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Bahamut preaches a militancy against evil and an obsession with becoming more like himself, which according to the faith is the embodiment of martial and spiritual perfection.   This perfection comes on three planes: The Body, The Soul, and The Fire. Perfection in one of these is expected, two is holy, and excellence in all three is perfection in truth.


In the Ides of Midsummer (And the Summer Solstice), a silver-tailed comet appears that brightens up the sky enough that "dusk becomes dawn with no midnight in sight." This comet is called "Bahamut's Talon," and is considered holy by the faith. For the three nights that it brightens the sky, celebrants hold parades, feasts, and children go on mock monster hunts.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Bahamut seeks to destroy evil across the multiverse.



Follower (Vital)

Towards Bahamut





Towards Drake



Drake has followed Bahamut from his youth. His belief in him and faith is entirely unshakeable.

Divine Classification


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