


The Baprivi have 1000 knights, 2000-3000 squires, and 50 knight commanders. Additionally, they have a robust system of supply webbing that boasts just over 10,000 quartermasters and teamsters.


Baprivi knights wear gold-plated Kadenium armor. If they have time to prepare for a battle, they have a full array of building equipment and memorize schematics for forming siege equipment appropriate to any environment.


When mounted on dragons, they wield long lances and heavy crossbows, and when on food they use Kadenium weaponry forged by the finest smiths in Ioth'Darsshehad. Knights with full dragon sponsors often steep their weapons in their sponsor's hoard to soak in the magic.


Many Baprivi have made personal alliances with young dragons and use them as mounts in battle. Those that don't are brought to battle using sleds pulled by drakes.


The typical formation of a Baprivi strike force is referred to as a Tav'Pliso, consisting of ten knight commanders who elect a battle leader with them and lead ten knights. The battle leader formes the Bite, an elite force intended to only join the battle at the end of the fight. The Chest of the formation has the bulk of the forces, with four knight commanders arranged in a line leading their knights. A left claw and a right claw has three knight commanders between them, with one getting the odd commander and knights with the intention of arranging a harder flank (or a feint to do so, if the enemy is familiar with the tactic.) The knight commanders and knights who are privileged and accomplished enough to have arranged alliances with true dragons are referred to as the wing or wings, in the case that there are enough to divide the force. All remaining knights, commanders, and squires too young to take a place on the lines form the tail, a reserve force ready to plug gaps or provide extra weight to a push.


The Baprivi lock down their enemy formations with their Chest, harrying at both of their flanks with their Claws. When the commander notices a significant break in the enemy line or a point where the enemy commander has exposed themselves, he leads the Head into the fray to cause a shock and hopefully decapitate the enemy army. The Tail is held in reserve to either add weight to a breakthrough or to bolster a faltering section of their own line. Before, during, and after the battle, the Wings seek to achieve air supremacy. If they accomplish this, they begin attacking the enemy in a flying carousel. First, they use their crossbows, but when their supplies have roughly halved they begin using their long lances and the breath weapons of their dragon mounts.   If and when the enemy routs, the Baprivi on foot do not pursue to avoid an ambush from feigned retreat, while the wings continue to chase and harry the routing enemy with the remainder of their crossbow bolts.   During a siege or a battle for which they had time to prepare, all knight commanders are familiar with blueprints for a variety of siege weapons so every


Baprivi are landed knights, and their one concern is warfare and service to their Aurimaekrix. As such, they train relentlessly and spar with their squires and each other in mock small scale warfare that can leave bones broken and buildings burned in 'mock' raids.


Logistical Support

The 10,000 men and women of the quartermasterie of the Baprivi are the only members that aren't sons and daughters of the Aurimaekrix. They establish depots in stable regions, keep an updated understand of the immediate area and the nearest other depots, and are prepared to fight to defend the supply lines. They forage, hunt, and buy food from the locals to supplement the supplies that come in from the palace. They employ fletchers, smiths, and other experts that might be needed as well as housing all manner of camp followers to entertain the troops on the march, though Baprivi are notorious for training as their sole recreation. As such, the 'entertainers' that follow in their wake are more often sparring partners and war games barkers than the usual gamblers and tramps.


When a squire is old enough, they are allowed to stand in the line with their knight. Before this, they await their part of the battle in the Tail. Young squires can be almost as numerous as the knight corps itself, though obviously nowhere near as well trained.


The Baprivi are entirely staffed by Half Dragons, all with one draconic father; Ryndricroxxar. This is the source of their nickname, Wanotryxihe: "The Princelings."
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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