
Aurimaekrix Ryndricroxxar

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Ryndricroxxar's most notable feature are the platinum veins streaking through his burnished golden scales.

Special abilities

Thanks to the Alloy Pact, Ryndricroxxar has been bequeathed a small measure of power from every dragon that has died under his command. Their echoes form a council in his mind that advises him on decisions, pushing his intellect beyond even the normal extremes of Gold Dragons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ryndricroxxar was hatched on another world. As a Wyrmling, he found his way into the City of Sigil, where he formed a small corps of vigilantes to fight street crime. He amassed a fair bit of wealth, taking from those street gangs the wealth they had skimmed from the city. He would look back on this simple time as some of the most enjoyable years he'd ever lived.   When he grew into a young dragon, he began exploring the worlds connected to Sigil. He found humanoids to be somewhat tedious, but the vast width and breadth of the exerience of the dragons he met could not be overstated. He began networking them together, across worlds in some cases. Mutual defense pacts, pen pals, and even raiding parties grew out of these networks. Ryndricroxxar became a thorn in the side of Chromatic dragons everywhere.   When he became an Adult, he had led several raids and campaigns against the Chromatics. He began to hear a calling from Bahamut, to force his way into the world of Kobos and claim it. His great crusade began as he returned to Sigil, and called in centuries' worth of favors. Dragons flooded the city, and he found a way into Kobos; the Chromatics had just made their entry and the portal they had used would remain open for a few years. Ryndricroxxar led his army through, and the Calamity War began in earnest.   The Ioth'Darsshehad were dominant for the first portion of the war. Ryndricroxxar led a strike force against Sahdiopenzith herself with an eye to ending the war with her death. The Hatibahu Scet had already been committed, and She of Many slaughtered most of the strike force. Ryndricroxxar fled with a few of his allies. He spread the word among his realm that he would propose a new weapon, and the Alloy Pact was called. He revised his strategy to one of patient opportunism and otherwise fighting for a stalemate, hoping to grind the enemy down over the next few millennia while his power grew.   Once True Dragons stood, masters of the world, Ryndricroxxar organized his kingdom and set about creating a golden age. Now ancient, he finally took a wife and several concubines, producing an impressive number of progeny. He shepherded his nation through several ages and thousands of years as the war slowly ground on. The static state of the war was disrupted eventually when a band of Dole Dragons breached his palace's defenses and attacked him in his own throne room. He slaughtered the creatures, but in the fray one of them had broken off and murdered the queen before fleeing.   Ever since, his thoughts turn only to the war and its conclusion, and he leaves all other considerations behind.


In his youth, Ryndricroxxar maintained a harem of female Gold Dragons, but eventually ended the practice when his paramours became targets for assassination. He now focuses his energies on creating Half Dragons for use as shock troopers, the dreaded Baprivi. The breeding stock for these warriors are Scalykind and Humans chosen from around the kingdom for various positive or useful traits.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ryndricroxxar personally led the metallic dragons in the final siege against the Saurians, ending their species.

Mental Trauma

The loss of his queen to Dole Dragon assassins weighs heavily on Ryndricroxxar's mind, and constitutes his greatest loss and his enemies' greatest victory against him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ryndricroxxar has a Melancholic temperament.

Morality & Philosophy

Ryndricroxxar is a Consequentialist and a master strategist.


Ryndricroxxar has begun to deny himself joys and attachments in order to prevent his enemy from using them as a weakness.

Personality Characteristics


Ryndricroxxar seeks to win the war, eradicate the Chromatic dragons from the face of Kobos, and claim the world for Bahamut.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ryndricroxxar is a master strategist and a grand planner on a cosmic scale. His obsession and isolation in response to his queen's death has caused a schism in his mind, as no matter how many counterfactuals he examines, he cannot think of a way to have prevented her assassination and, more importantly, how to prevent it from happening again.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Religious Views

Ryndricroxxar is a Zealous Bahamian

Wealth & Financial state

Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Kings, the Golden Emperor, The Wise
Molten gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden scales burnished to a high polish, struck through with platinum veins.


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