
"Life of a Caravaneer isn't all fun and games. Sometimes there's music too!"   ~Abide Baht Mig, Caravaneer of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar



A glib tongue and some starter money is what most Caravaneers get their starts with.

Career Progression

If connected to the Caravaneer Mutual Defense League (which most are), a Caravaneer goes through the same Apprentice to Master transition as the rest of the Tenmasters Alliance. Otherwise, self-starters may style themselves this way or just leave the honorific off entirely.

Payment & Reimbursement

Caravaneers have two means of making money: buying goods in one town and selling them at a markup in another, and finding investors to pitch in to their starter funds.

Other Benefits

As they bring in entertainment and news from elsewhere, they can generally expect a warm welcome and a few free drinks in any town they visit.
Alternative Names
Carter, merchant, wagonjockey
In a lot of ways, Caravaneers are the beating heart of the Maecodian economy.


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