Castigation of the Peace

"These kanamas sue for peace. For how long, I wonder? How long will they stay in their fetid swamps before they've bred enough to shake the walls of our towns again? These are warriors, their entire existence is because they are warriors. They were created by the Saurians to kill our ancestors. They bowed to the Dragons and served as their warriors. They may be set to live in peace now, but what happens when the dragons come back? They will come back, make no mistake.    "I find it absolutely maddening that you would even consider leaving an enemy army nested next to us forever. If you allow these kanamas to stay in the swamp, they will be a dagger at our throats for all eternity, or until some future generation proves more wise than you and exterminates them.   "You need not worry about the morality of such an act. They wish not to live, only to survive. They don't feel the same as we do, with the full depth of emotion and thoughts on the future. These are basically crocodiles with spears made from the bones of your friends and family.   "If you choose to do this, I will yield to your judgement. But I won't forget your soft-hearted idiocy."   ~Iliac, first Archedler of the Maecodian Confederation


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