
"The saurians were the dragons before the dragons came. Our ancestors, the Grimhii Empire, battled them for resources, territory, and it would appear, sport. The dragons rendered them extinct in a protracted conflict, taking their place as the god-kings of the scalykind, but it was the Tyrant-Lizards that truly made that society."   ~Grandmaster Jeren, of the Golden Tower

Basic Information


Saurians were bipedal quasi-reptilian monstrosities. They stood 18 to 36 feet from their toes to the top of the skull, which sported a hollow, bony crest. Their bones were thick even for their size, and their hide was thick and nearly impervious to even magical damage. There are still dragons to this day that wear armor made from Saurian hide.    Saurians possessed a thick tail used primarily for balance, though capable of delivering a solid blow. They were thickly muscled, and their heads were snouted, square, and possessed of a double row of daggerlike teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Males mated with the females, who then laid clutches of 3-8 eggs. These eggs have the hardness and consistency of polished marble. As these eggs matured, they softened until they had the consistency of soft leather. At some point in this process, the infant Saurian will tear its way out, with early hatchers ("marble born") being their mothers' instant favorites.   Unfortunately, this softening maturation did not happen naturally. Blood was essential to the process, and the eggs were regularly bathed in it. The Saurians' favorite victims for this were sentient mammal races, which they would raid incessantly.

Growth Rate & Stages

Saurians, after hatching, start at 1-3 feet long. They grow steadily at roughly 1 foot per year until they attain their full height, shedding their skins every season or so. Roughly halfway through this process, they are capable of reproducing but rarely did. They lived for 200-600 years naturally, the last 50 or so years marking a slow decline as their bones became a brittle stone. If they live long enough, they will die as their bones crumble to powder.

Ecology and Habitats

Saurians preferred jungle environs, though they were not particularly uncomfortable anywhere except arctic tundra and snowy highlands. They were adept at creating soil that could turn an area into a rainforest in a few short years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Saurians were meat-heavy carnivores. An adult required 40-120 lbs of meat per day, and they would pad out this diet with nuts and fruit.

Biological Cycle

A lack of water or food, or a drop in temperature would send the Saurians into an indefinite torpor until these needs were met.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Saurians could detect heat through sensory organs on their snout. This detection could extend for nearly 100 ft.    Saurians could also smell body fluids (particularly blood) for miles.
Genetic Descendants


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