Edler Gantor

Archedler Gantor Otterman (a.k.a. Glow)

"Gantor had been Yickalo's right hand man for years. There have always been whispers that he did the old man in, but I've seen them together. If Gantor had the option, he'd have taken the place of whatever fate befell Yickalo. He's a selfless man, and his ambition is service."   ~Margrave Arronax Skinner, Elector of Cambreath

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gantor is robust and healthy.

Facial Features

Edler Gantor has a thick brown beard shot through with white and gray. His face appears young for his age when relaxed, though his age comes out in wrinkles if he smiles or frowns.

Apparel & Accessories

As Archedler, Gantor is the guardian of the Penumbral Signet. Other than that, he uses a Wupan marine's crossbow and cutlass, and still wears their armor. On a normal, low-risk day, he wears a military style tunic to portray the idea that he is always on duty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gantor was born on a ship bound for the Gantor Islands, from which he draws his name. His mother was the bosun and his father was the quartermaster. The pregnancy was a surprise, and the sailors and marines of the Foamspinner shunned the boy initially.   When they loaded up on trade from the Gantor Islands, the Foamspinner turned back to the ocean and made for their home port. On the way, they came across a goblin fleet. It was simply by the luck of a stiff and unexpected wind that they were able to outrun the enemy, and they began calling him Glow after an old sailors' tale.   His Becoming involved another voyage, and by the time he embarked on it he was already an officer on the Nightglove. He was to deliver a sealed diplomatic letter to the chieftain of a small island halfway to Shelor. He never opened the letter, and the chieftain gave him a notched stick in exchanged. When he delivered the notched stick to Edler Yickalo, he immediately became a trusted lieutenant of the older man.   He went on many such voyages through the years after rapidly attaining command of a ship, the Hatchetcrow. He failed in none of these missions, and slowly went from a trusted lieutenant to being a right-hand-man. He enjoyed this favor until his mentor disappeared.   Gantor never considered a bid for Archedler until he saw the next most likely candidate, the notorious Jarl Velgian. The Elector Council agreed with Gantor that Jarl Velgian was too ambitious and calloused to be trusted with the Archedlership, and Gantor has been leading Maecodia ever since.


Gantor is married, and it is rumored that he has a sailor's attitude towards women in any town he visits.


Gantor was taught by his fellow sailors.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gantor is a stubborn, willful man that can occasionally cross the border into self-righteousness.

Morality & Philosophy

Gantor is a Virtuist, and a big believer in putting the best person suited for each job.

Personality Characteristics


Gantor believes that the future of the confederation lies outside its borders in the form of trade and in the form of a resumption of earlier, more successful crusades against the dragons.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Gantor always smells of the sea, even when he's been away from it for a week or so.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
942 Y 53 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Gantor was born at sea.
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarven


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