
"Glittercrabs are beautiful, precious, magical creatures and if I see one I will kill it on sight without hesitation."   ~Grandmaster Jeren of the Golden Tower

Basic Information


Glittercrabs are giant crabs roughly 20 ft. across with organic diamond-like spines studding their nearly impenetrable carapace.

Genetics and Reproduction

Glittercrab females lay massive communal clutches of jellylike eggs, which are fertilized in bulk by dominant males that compete violently for the right to do so. The winner will spend themselves and leave, and subsequent males will continue the contests for the right to attempt to fertilize any that remain. The last few will guard the clutch from predators, usually eating a few of the eggs and hatchlings should prey not present itself easily.

Growth Rate & Stages

Glittercrabs are born as shrimplike larvae in large clutches. They gradually grow into crabs and begin forming tiny spines on their shells, which grow throughout their lives.

Ecology and Habitats

Glittercrabs can exist at all levels of Mistlake, except seemingly for the most toxic and deepest areas. Larger crabs find deeper waters more comfortable, with the youngest keeping to the shallows after hatching.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Glittercrabs are meat-heavy carnivores, but also detritivore.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Glittercrabs are physically blind, sensing their surroundings through vibrations in the water, air and soil.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution


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