Bakmadaup Ryna

"I don't know if anyone's ever made it to the bottom of the deepest part, no telling what's down there. My advice is to enjoy the misty sunrises, and don't think too hard about what's below."   ~Temas Catsin, Mayor of Neklek


Bakmadaup Ryna is an elongated pond gouged into the landscape of the Great Grass Ocean, gradually sinking deeper on a near-unnoticeable slope at first that ends nearly sheer at unknown depth at the base of the Barrier Mountains. The shores on three sixes of the lake are a bluish-green clay and often covered in mussels. The western shore terminates in a sheer cliff face straight into the mountains.


The first twenty feet or so of the lake are pure, clean freshwater. As the depth increases, the water becomes increasingly brackish, and in the depths the water is saltwater brine. Below that, as deep as anyone has gone, the water is toxically salty and as far as anyone can tell no fish survives at these depths.

Ecosystem Cycles

During winter, a shell of ice forms over the lake which starts in the shallows. The whole ecosystem slows down, with the fish becoming sluggish and everything going deeper into the lake. In the spring, this shell thaws, and by summer the whole lake is teeming with life again.

Localized Phenomena

Every morning without fail, the lake produces the mist for which it is named. This fog lasts several hours, sometimes into the early afternoon. It is a thick, white, pea soup fog that reduces visibility into the single digits. On some days in the Midsomer, this mist is known to sap the strength of those caught within, making physical exertion all but impossible.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the fish of the lake are fairly conventional; kelp, mussels and minnows feed trout, catfish and bass. These larger fish in turn feed the carp, which themselves feed the two unique species of the lake: goldscale gar and glittercrabs.


Cambren sometimes visit the lake for sport; either fishing or sailing on small boats. Wupani divers have occasional sport attempting to dive in the deepest depths of the lake and seek to outdo each other.
Alternative Name(s)
Mistlake, Wer'ryna, and the Misty Lake
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Contested By
Inhabiting Species


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