Leena Zazerac Character in Kobos | World Anvil

Leena Zazerac

Leena Zazerac (a.k.a. Lily)

"How that miserable old bastard ever caught her eye is a mystery to me. The way he treats her would put me in a murdering mood if I was her kin."   ~Margrave Arronax Skinner, Elector of Cambreath

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Leena is thin, but active. Her position means that she can exercise with relative impunity in even the most crime ridden boroughs of Krezzym

Apparel & Accessories

Leena wears simple but beautiful silks, usually in blues and blacks. She wears enough jewelry to display wealth while not enough to drift into gaudiness or opulence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leena was born to Bizzy Hayell three days after Nereia Zazerac gave birth to Alice Zazerac. As such, they were raised together as part of Bizzy's nanny duties. She was a close friend of Alice, sharing most of their lives. Their favorite game was 'raid the larder,' where they would climb trees, knock holes in beehives and run away. When one girl would distract the bulk of the swarm, the other would circle back and collect honey and combs and flee. Initially, they would eat these raw, but Bizzy taught them a recipe for ashcake honey cookies that they would forever associate with the good times.   When Alice fled Krezzym, she attempted to convince Leena to flee. Leena was too frightened of the wilderness, and remained behind. Alice's flight devastated her as much as her own mother's contemporaneous disappearance.   Her Becoming was a nightmare. She was tasked with protecting a diplomatic mission to the Northrealm. While she technically succeeded by virtue of bringing the diplomat home alive, the rest of the retinue was slain when the Northern men took issue with a veiled threat and steel was drawn.     When Alice fled, Leena was raised by Gormly Zazerac under the assumption that Alice would be back for her friend. After years of being used as bait by Gormly, he decided to marry her.  


Leena is having an affair with Harlan Danger behind Gormly's back.


Leena was tutored by her mother, and raised to be a servant and a maid which she had always resented.


Leena is, for lack of a better term, the trophy wife of Gormly Zazerac. This position gives her privilege, power, and wealth, though very little in the way of satisfaction.

Failures & Embarrassments

Leena always regretted not fleeing with Alice when she left, though she would never voice as such where any might witness her saying it.

Mental Trauma

Leena is haunted by the sudden disappearance of her mother, and though she has accepted that they will never meet again secretly hopes she is alive and well somewhere.    She felt abandoned by both her mother and her childhood friend, a blow to her ego that she hasn't filled.

Intellectual Characteristics

Leena is Choleric in temper, quick to anger but also quick to joy and laughter when it comes.

Morality & Philosophy

Leena is a Commonist, and rarely thinks in terms of complex ethics or morality.

Personality Characteristics


Leena is a survivor, but she is also seeking to live.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Leena is a poor judge of character.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Leena enjoys her baths, and always smells of lavendar and spices of inordinate prices.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Leena is a Practicing Deminite who is moderately active in her church.

Social Aptitude

Leena is likeable and most often described as 'sweet.'


Leena is usually smiling, though it rarely reaches her eyes these days.

Hobbies & Pets

Leena travels with a raven named Geoff


Current Location
Year of Birth
976 Y 19 Years old
Black, worn long and simply
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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