
A magistrate is responsible for conducting the business of the law. When mediating disputes, levying fines and indentures, even organizing and overseeing the execution of the condemned, magistrates rely on precedent, law at every level, and sometimes just good arguments to ensure that society is running smoothly.


Magistrates should be wise, well-read, and temperate.


Magistrates are elected to office, though sometimes the title is entirely unofficial.


Manage disputes, decide fines and indentures, and be an expert of precedence and law.


So long as the fines are within reason, magistrates are free to levy them as a tax in exchange for their time. This is also a prophylactic against bribery.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Magistrates wear a glass-beaded necklace with white, black, and red beads in that pattern.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

When people no longer trust the magistrate to fulfill their duties, they are no longer a magistrate.
Civic, Political
Alternative Naming
Judge, Ombudsman
Source of Authority
Tradition, Democratic authority
Length of Term


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