
"Being a mayor is a privilege, but it's also a burden. Some part of me would rather be husbanding turnips and herding cats."   ~Kessler Shieldreaper, mayor of Alcedene


As elected officials, the qualifications for mayor are what their constituents say they are. Typically, this amounts to the ability to organize and motivate people as well as the ability to wrangle the plutarchs.


While it varies town by town, mayors are usually chosen by a popular vote. These elections are held in Newspring, and are often skipped entirely if the current mayor has no challengers.


A mayor is usually considered to be the face of a settlement. Most places prefer a mayor that reflects their self-image, though notably some reject this idea and simply want a mayor who can do the work.


A mayor manages the bureaucracy of a town, and spends the wealth of a settlement. They are responsible for hiring contractors for the creation or maintenance of public works, if any, and are often responsible for diplomacy between settlements.


Mayors often have a designated, settlement-owned home that displays the wealth of the people. They generally eat free at any establishment that hosts them, and they are exempt from duels.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Most often, the mayoral post is represented by an ostentatious amulet.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Mayors can be removed every Newspring provided a challenger has arisen.   Otherwise, a Sheriff and Magistrate can officially force a mayor to step down. Lynchings are also not unheard of if a mayor is unpopular enough.
Form of Address
Sir, Alderman
Alternative Naming
Alderman, Bergermaster
Source of Authority
A mayor's authority comes from the people, and if they fail it's the people that will replace them.
Length of Term
A mayor's term is at least a year, though it's potentially a lifetime appointment if no challengers arise to depose them.
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