Partenkrig, the Bloodaxe

"By the Bloody Axe!"   ~Common Northern exclamation.

Manufacturing process

Partenkrig was created by the Titan, Jarl Hrottar, for his champion, the Goliath known as Bloodaxe. It was forged using rune magic and secret techniques lost with the giantkin civilizations.


This axe is a symbol of Northern pride, and is referred to in oaths in the north more often than the Jarls or their flags.   It was originally wielded by a Goliath named Bloodaxe, and passed into human hands when he was defeated in battle.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Unique, Legendary Artifact
7 lbs.
haft: 5 ft., with the head 2.5x2.5 ft. wide and long.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The shaft of the axe is darkstone shaped into the form of a serpent. The blade is heartstone

Partenkrig, the Bloodaxe


Legendary Necromancy Requires Attunement

Heavy, Two-handed   On a hit, the wielder can choose one of several effects, as follows.   -The wielder can choose to roll their hit dice and add the result to the damage (they regain these hit dice after a long rest as normal.)   -The wielder can choose to regain double the damage dealt by the blow as hit points.   -The wielder can choose to inflict a bleeding wound, which continues to deal 1d4 Necrotic damage every round on their turn until the flood is staunched with a healing kit or with at least 1 HP of magical healing. This ability doesn't work on enemies that do not require blood or similar vital fluids.   The wielder can use these abilities for each point of their proficiency modifier.   Additionally, every strike of this weapon does extra necrotic damage equal to the wielder's proficiency modifier.

The shaft of this axe appears to be darkstone shaped to the likeness of a serpent. It coils near the head, to create a hollow circle with its body. Around this circle has been set a large piece of heartstone in the shape of an axe, broad on one side and narrow on the other. Despite its awkward appearance, tricks in the shaping of the darkstone leave it surprisingly well balanced and agile.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d12+the wielder's proficiency modifier. Slashing

Weight: 7 lbs


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